astropy / specutils

An Astropy coordinated package for astronomical spectroscopy. Maintainers: @rosteen @keflavich @eteq
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Loader for STIS echelle data (potential feature request) #482

Open SaOgaz opened 5 years ago

SaOgaz commented 5 years ago

This is probably something that should live in ST software, but putting it here so we can make a decision about it. There was a user request from @jkcarlberg to have an adapter that will take in STIS echelle data, and spit out a Spectrum1D object. In this specific example, @jkcarlberg would like to have something that can read the units stored in the table column.

nmearl commented 5 years ago

Did they attempt to create a custom loader already? If not, or if they are unable, we'll need a more specific example of reading in the information they'd like (i.e. what columns in particular, what the resultant data is expected to look like).

Also, could you change the title to be more descriptive of the issue? Something like "Loader for STIS echelle data".