In the swisseph NPM module for node.js they have the following example.
var swisseph = require ('swisseph');
// Test date
var date = {year: 2012, month: 1, day: 1, hour: 0};
console.log ('Test date:', date);
var flag = swisseph.SEFLG_SPEED;
// path to ephemeris data
swisseph.swe_set_ephe_path (__dirname + '/../ephe');
// Julian day
swisseph.swe_julday (date.year, date.month,, date.hour, swisseph.SE_GREG_CAL, function (julday_ut) {
assert.equal (julday_ut, 2455927.5);
console.log ('Julian UT day for date:', julday_ut);
// Sun position
swisseph.swe_calc_ut (julday_ut, swisseph.SE_SUN, flag, function (body) {
assert (!body.error, body.error);
console.log ('Sun position:', body);
// Moon position
swisseph.swe_calc_ut (julday_ut, swisseph.SE_MOON, flag, function (body) {
assert (!body.error, body.error);
console.log ('Moon position:', body);
In the swisseph NPM module for node.js they have the following example.
How would I do this in pyswisseph?