astroscrum / hubot-astroscrum

Hubot adapter for Astroscrum API
MIT License
5 stars 6 forks source link

Can't stop getting emails from #6

Closed Bukashk0zzz closed 6 years ago

Bukashk0zzz commented 8 years ago

I deleted hubot and unconnect it from slack. But I still getting emails from

How I can stop this?

Bukashk0zzz commented 8 years ago

Also you have slack #help chanel but it closed.

screen shot 2015-11-11 at 10 30 38
jpsilvashy commented 8 years ago

damn, we better clean up our act, sorry about the mess. :-/

Bukashk0zzz commented 8 years ago

Thanks. Now emails stopped coming.