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Modify Concept: Biomarkers #271

Closed katieefrey closed 4 years ago

katieefrey commented 5 years ago

Name the concept in question Biomarkers

Describe the change Andrew Siemion mentioned "biosignature" to me as a concept that feels equivalent to "biomarkers." How does "biomarkers" relate to "biosignatures"? are they the same concept, which is preferred? Also, want to check with STSCI folk who suggested biomarker in the first place.

stlibrary8 commented 4 years ago

Hi Katie, Biomarkers and Biosignatures are synonymous in the way they are used for proposal purposes. I did a brief search in ADS and both forms have about the same # of results. This is because you can see from this search they are treated already as synonyms in the astronomy database of ADS:!type%3Daqp%20v%3D%24fq_database%7D&fq_database=(database%3A%22astronomy%22)&q=full%3A(biosignature%20OR%20biosignatures)&sort=date%20desc%2C%20bibcode%20desc&p_=0. With this in mind, it seems anecdotally that Biosignatures is a more preferred form in recent years based on the ADS search results, but no more or less hierarchical than Biomarkers. If you want to change the human readable form associated with to "Biosignatures" as the Preferred term and "Biomarkers" as an added Use For, I am okay with that change.

katieefrey commented 4 years ago

Accepted as biomarkers. See also #269 & #270