astrothesaurus / UAT

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Modify/Deprecate Concepts: (classical KBOs and other small solar system objs) #326

Closed katieefrey closed 3 years ago

katieefrey commented 3 years ago

Name the concept in question Several concepts in question...

Borasisi Ceres Deucalion Eris Haumea Huya Ixion Logos Makemake Orcus Pluto Quaoar Sedna Teharonhiawako Varuna

Describe the change Are these noteworthy enough to keep in the UAT? If so, should the preferred label include their object number (i.e. 58534 Logos)? Most of these are not likely to be confused with something else the way "chaos" was (see

Please include any additional comments/feedback The UAT is not a catalog of objects. I'm inclined to deprecate a few of these.

katieefrey commented 3 years ago

I found some notes in the UAT Beta version, these originate from the third party company that made the original UAT merger:

2012/12/05 11:42 NT Pluto added by jack_bruce 2012/12/05 11:42 NT Haumea added by jack_bruce 2012/12/05 11:42 NT Makemake added by jack_bruce 2012/12/05 11:42 NT Eris added by jack_bruce 2012/12/05 11:34 BT Plutoids added by jack_bruce 2012/12/05 11:33 NT Sedna added by jack_bruce

All of the other concepts from my list (Borasisi, Deucalion, Huya, etc) exist in the UAT Beta, but there are no notes for them.

I can find Ceres and Pluto in the IVOA Thesaurus (Ceres is also in the IAU thesaurus).

I cannot find any of the other concepts on this list (Borasisi, Deucalion, Huya, etc) in the IVOA Thesaurus, the IAU Thesaurus, ASK, or PACS.

Based on this, it looks like all concept, except Ceres and Pluto, were added by the third party company.

I think deprecating everything except Ceres and Pluto is the way to go. Markus Demleitner concurs via email.

katieefrey commented 3 years ago

Usage in literature seems to be one of the best indicators of whether or not a named object should be included as a concept, so I wrote a quick and dirty script to search ADS (astronomy database only) for a list of named concepts (combines concepts above with other names objects that have been suggested).

Note that the script simply searches for the named object in question as a general query, so hits from author names, or satellite names, or software programs, etc could all be inflating the total number of results. Still, I think this is a decently representative results, with the understanding that this caveat applies.

named obj refereed non-refereed total
Deucalion 0 2 2
Teharonhiawako 1 1 2
Borasisi 2 1 3
Logos 5 12 17
AnneFrank 8 11 19
Ixion 13 19 32
Huya 14 13 27
Braille 19 50 69
Varuna 22 45 67
Dactyl 27 39 66
Orcus 28 45 73
Makemake 28 75 103
Quaoar 34 95 129
Mathilde 60 91 151
Masursky 64 118 182
Haumea 80 130 210
Eris 93 149 242
Sedna 95 140 235
Gaspra 150 190 340
Grigg-Skjellerup 199 201 400
Itokawa 223 538 761
Borrelly 275 432 707
Wild-2 331 594 925
Tempel-1 355 640 995
Iapetus 396 644 1040
Giacobini-Zinner 463 533 996
Ida 486 598 1084
Charon 513 971 1484
Hale-Bopp 583 915 1498
Callisto 694 1225 1919
Ceres 871 1623 2494
Enceladus 967 2702 3669
Ganymede 1068 2196 3264
Vesta 1095 2001 3096
Eros 1140 1213 2353
Triton 1347 1181 2528
Europa 1656 4167 5823
Pluto 2450 3525 5975
Uranus 3082 3916 6998
Io 3339 4614 7953
Titan 3619 7785 11404
Halley 3772 4360 8132
Neptune 4685 5939 10624
Mercury 7738 8343 16081
Saturn 9750 14043 23793
Venus 10167 13121 23288
Jupiter 20206 23008 43214
Mars 23122 49842 72964
Moon 47367 57194 104561
Earth 93451 83714 177165

If I just kept named objects that have at least 1k refereed papers in ADS, that would be a pretty reasonable list, in my opinion.

katieefrey commented 3 years ago

Added concepts: Comet Halley Eros Vesta Ganymede Triton Europa Io Titan

Deprecated Concepts: Borasisi Deucalion Eris Haumea Huya Ixion Logos Makemake Orcus Quaoar Sedna Teharonhiawako Varuna

Even though Ceres is under 1k refereed papers, there is already a UAT concept for it and I don't think it makes sense to deprecate it now.