astrothesaurus / UAT

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New Concept: Galactic Archaeology #330

Closed stlibrary8 closed 3 years ago

stlibrary8 commented 3 years ago

Galactic Archaeology (weird misnomer but definitely should be placed under Stellar astronomy and probably also Galaxies)

Brief definition: Study of galactic evolution through study of stellar populations.

Proposed hierarchies: Stellar astronomy --> Galactic archaeology Galactic and extragalactic astronomy --> Galaxy physics --> Galactic archaeology

Proposed related term (RT): Asteroseismology

2017A&A...601A..27L 2019A&A...623A..60S 2013MNRAS.436.1362Y

I am struggling with exact placement or placements in the UAT hierarchy but I agree this is a unique concept that does not seem to be captured yet in the vocabulary.

ST keyword enhnacements

katieefrey commented 3 years ago

Is this concept focused on or limited to the Milky Way Galaxy?

katieefrey commented 3 years ago

Answering my own question it looks like this subject is almost always about the Milky Way. I did find at least one article that applied it more generally, but it was also looking at chemical abundances instead of stellar populations.

katieefrey commented 3 years ago

I've added this concept in these two places:

Stellar astronomy --> Galactic archaeology Galactic and extragalactic astronomy --> Galaxy physics --> Milky Way Galaxy physics --> Galactic archaeology

Like you said, it's hard to really determine the best placement. I think this will be fine for now, and we can move it later if this doesn't turn out to be the most intuitive location.