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New Concept: Post-starburst galaxies #332

Closed stlibrary8 closed 3 years ago

stlibrary8 commented 3 years ago

Post-starburst galaxies

General definition: galaxies that have only recently stopped forming stars

Galactic and extragalactic astronomy--> Galaxies --> Post-starburst galaxies

Exact verbiage from ST research staff to support hierarchy placements: "I believe that I hope to have post-starburst galaxies to be a distinct category of galaxies." Child term: "E+A galaxies would be BOTH post-starburst galaxies and would be early-type galaxies" (where E+A already sits in UAT; relates to next GitHub issue on E+A)

2020ApJ...900..107Y 2020MNRAS.494..529W 2020MNRAS.498.1259Z

ST keyword enhancement

katieefrey commented 3 years ago

Some additional supporting articles I found looking into this:

2009MNRAS.397.1940F "...we find that the common E+A criteria exclude a significant number of post-starburst galaxies..."

2009MNRAS.397.1954F "...the classical definition of E+A galaxies excludes a significant number of post-starburst galaxies..."

2020AAS...23525802G "this E+A sample, assembled with these refined criteria to establish a well-defined population within the broader post-starburst galaxy population..."

Based on these and the above, I'm adding PSBs and setting E+A as a child concept (per #333)