astrothesaurus / UAT

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Solar system astronomy concepts often used in educational settings #345

Closed katieefrey closed 2 years ago

katieefrey commented 2 years ago

Proposed new concepts and hierarchy locations Asteroids > Near-Earth asteroids Atmospheric effects > Seasons Comet tails > Dust tail Comet tails > Ion tail Earth atmosphere > Earth's seasons Earth atmosphere > Greenhouse effect Greenhouse effect > Greenhouse gases Lunar mineralogy > Lunar regolith Lunar theory > Lunation Main belt asteroids > Ceres Main belt asteroids > Pallas Near-Earth asteroids > Amor group Night sky brightness > Light pollution Planetary magnetospheres > Magnetic poles Planetary magnetospheres > Magnetic storm Planetary science > Albedo Seasons > Seasonal phenomena Solar system planets > Inferior planets Solar system planets > Superior planets Zodiacal dust bands > Zodiacal light

Please include any additional comments/feedback Concepts proposed by Dr. Markus Nielbock, IAU Office of Astronomy for Education

katieefrey commented 2 years ago

"Near-Earth object" (existing UAT concept) has alternate label "Near-Earth asteroid" and I'm inclined to leave this as is.

"Zodiacal dust" (existing UAT concept) has alternate label "Zodiacal light," should this be changed? "Zodiacal dust" is a parent concept of "Zodiacal dust bands."

Inferior & Superior planets refers to their location relative to the Earth and Sun (Inferior are Mercury and Venus, while the rest (Mars and beyond) are Superior).

katieefrey commented 2 years ago

Added for UAT 5.0.0:

Comet tails > Dust tail Comet tails > Ion tail Earth atmosphere > Earth's seasons Earth atmosphere > Greenhouse effect Greenhouse effect > Greenhouse gases Lunar mineralogy > Lunar regolith Lunar theory > Lunation Main belt asteroids > Ceres Main belt asteroids > Pallas Near-Earth asteroids > Amor group Night sky brightness > Light pollution Planetary magnetospheres > Magnetic poles Planetary magnetospheres > Magnetic storm Planetary science > Albedo

Pending further consideration:

Asteroids > Near-Earth asteroids Atmospheric effects > Seasons Seasons > Seasonal phenomena Solar system planets > Inferior planets Solar system planets > Superior planets Zodiacal dust bands > Zodiacal light