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Pending concepts that support astronomical education #355

Open katieefrey opened 2 years ago

katieefrey commented 2 years ago

Remaining concepts from the original suggestions from Dr. Nielbock that need further consideration:

Atmospheric effects > Seasons Seasons > Seasonal phenomena

Solar system planets > Inferior planets Solar system planets > Superior planets

Zodiacal dust bands > Zodiacal light

Orbits > Conjunctions

Astronomical instrumentation > Compass Space observatories > Herschel Space Telescope Asteroids > Near-Earth asteroids

See also:

345 , #344 , #343 , #347, #346

BartlettAstro commented 1 month ago

@ebortey could you please break this into six separate issues. Zodiacal dust bands/light does not require an issue. Each new issue should retain the note about Dr. Nielbock and their historical connection to multiple issues including this one. This issue should include a comment identifying the new issues. Seasons, Solar system planets, and Asteroids should be tagged as Planetary Science.

ebortey commented 1 month ago

Issue #422 suggests a new concept of seasonal phenomena. Issue #423 suggests a new concept of Inferior planets. Issue #424 suggests a new concept of Superior planets. Issue #425 suggests a new concept of Conjunctions. Issue #426 suggests a new concept of a Compass. Issue #427 suggests a new concept of the Herschel Space Telescope. Issue #428 suggests a new concept of Near-Earth Asteroids.