Open dernyn opened 6 years ago
@derny i am using tenda u12 ac 1300 usb wifi wiifi adapter working with monitor mode... but monitor mode name not change...
exapmle :
sudo airmon-gn start wlan1
monitor mode enabled
my monitor mode name wlan1 yet.... it is same ? are you having the same problem ? please answer.
This particular driver doesn’t change the name when in monitor mode... you can reset the network manager and it will go back to normal mode. It’s a feature not a bug.
Dont buy rtl88au wifi adapter. Because realtek not support linux driver. Only supporting for windows... but we are use rtl8812ua for linux. This not good.
This it’s not true, they support it, it just doesn’t have monitor mode. There new driver works fine, speed for 5g is fine too.... it’s the open source driver that can’t give you both worlds, monitor mode and the latest support
The 8814au portition of the driver is broken, it's not going pass 802.11n at 450 Mbps the 8812au works as expected and it varies on signal degradation hitting it's max speed unlike the 8814au.
Kernel 4.18, Debian If I set it manually, it still wont actually hit the speed on nmcli
It's something with the channel bandwith which wont change or adapt beyond 20MHz
iw dev wlan2 info Interface wlan2 ifindex 11 wdev 0x800000001 addr 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx type managed wiphy 8 channel 157 (5785 MHz), width: 20 MHz, center1: 5785 MHz txpower 18.00 dBm
manually setting it to: sudo iw wlan2 set freq 5785 80 5795 does nothing.