astuder / epc901

Experiments with ESPROS epc901 1024x1 CCD line sensor, including a spectroscope.
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Question convert to teensy and bbb #4

Open evermore99 opened 3 years ago

evermore99 commented 3 years ago

Hello first of all thanks for such a great project!

looking forward to replicate!

however I had a question: how hard is it to replace the nucleo with a teensy4.0? it runs way faster, is there a way you could come in contact with me?

i believe the bbb allows for python to run on it.

Could you send Me an email?

Many thanks!

astuder commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your interest in my project :)

Porting to the Teensy would require to rewrite the code that interacts with the STM32 HAL and hardware registers. Most of that is contained in EPC901.cpp, Leds.cpp, ShellPlatform.cpp and main.c. More work may be required if you want to integrate with the Teensy Arduino framework.

The speed of the MCU is not the limiting factor in this project. The ADC I used has a sampling rate of 10 MSPS, which translates to roughly 1000 fps maximum frame rate. For a higher speed version of the circuit see this project: Though I don't think Greg started on the software (FPGA) side yet.

You can find my email address on my Github profile page.