astuder / lightroom-map-fix

Fixing the Map module in Lightroom Classic
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LocationDebugPanel.lua -> nothing to patch #15

Closed cyr06 closed 5 years ago

cyr06 commented 5 years ago

Hi first I thank you for trying help us getting our software back !! My config : OSX 10.14.3 / LR 6.14 I followed the readme instructions and I get 2 patched files but 1 doesn't Processing LocationMapView.lua -> Updated 2 strings 👍 Processing AgReverseGeocodeService.lua -> Updated 1 strings 👍 Processing LocationDebugPanel.lua -> 'client=gme-adobesystems' not found, nothing to patch 👎 as a result the module is still broken Hope you have an idea for me. Thank you again Cyril

astuder commented 5 years ago

Oops, copy pasta error in the description for Mac.

The correct patching command for LocationDebugPanel.lua should be: LocationDebugPanel.lua "nature" "street" -o LocationDebugPanel-patched.lua

Though, the basics of the map module should work even without patch of LocationDebugPanel.

cyr06 commented 5 years ago

indeed Processing LocationDebugPanel.lua -> Updated 1 strings unfortunately map module isn't working better I didn't have google account before following instructions, maybe it takes time to activate ?

astuder commented 5 years ago

Google account should work immediately.

Make sure to copy the complete API key. And only the API key without characters before and after. No curly brackets etc.

On the Google dashboard, you should see hits from the API access a few minutes after using Lightroom.

cyr06 commented 5 years ago

I feel so stupid I used "key={xxxxxxx}" instead of "key=xxxxxxxx" without brackets the map loads !! thank you very much for your support and sorry for my misunderstanding Have a good day

astuder commented 5 years ago

No worries. I will try to clarify the documentation.