astuder / lightroom-map-fix

Fixing the Map module in Lightroom Classic
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LR 5 can't get to work #8

Closed vonGameTheory closed 4 years ago

vonGameTheory commented 5 years ago

Anybody gotten this to work on LR5? (v5.7.1) It still gives the same "Map view is no longer supported on this version of Lightroom" error and then "map is offline" with forever spinning wheel. If I capture the traffic, I can see it shooting a Google request with my API key that seems successful, but the Adobe error actually comes before that occurs, so it seems like this version just isn't going to try and that's that.

astuder commented 5 years ago

What is the URL sent to Google (with your API key removed/hidden)?

vonGameTheory commented 5 years ago

When you hit the Map tab, it shoots one request to:

and another to:{my_api_key_here}&sensor=false&callback=initialize&language=EN&region=EN&channel=lightroom-5.7&signature={some_signature_here}

(I don't know what the signature is, removed in case it compromises my API in some way)

The Google request succeeds and returns some sort of javascript map library. The photoshop request re-directs to an https version of the same url and returns:

{ "locale": "en_us", "status": "kill", "message_title": "Map is not available", "message_body": "Map view is no longer supported on this version of Lightroom. For more information go to", "timestamp": "2018-07-16T06:33:49Z" }

Which is the error displayed in a pop-up box back in Lightroom 5. Dismiss the box and it leaves "map is offline" over an unusable map forever -- no more requests are made.

astuder commented 5 years ago

The signature could be the root cause of your issue. Though the request to is also concerning.

While Google doesn't require the signature, it will respond with an error when receiving an invalid signature. The solution here changes the name of the variable, leading Google to ignore it.

Maybe you can give it a try and see if it changes the behavior of LR5.

vonGameTheory commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to try exactly -- I'm supposed to hack the python script to change other things?

But just again, there is no error from google -- it returns a large javascript library. (I can post it if you want.) But as soon as it gets that kill message back from photoshop that's it, the map is dead, unclickable, nothing displayed, no more requests.

I will put the original back and see what the traffic is doing -- didn't check it before I swapped them.

Also found this page, the breakdown leads me to believe LR 4&5 may be operating differently than 6.

astuder commented 5 years ago

I don't have LR5, so I'm just guessing blindly :-)

No need to change Simply provide the string that needs to be modified and the replacement string as command line parameters.

If you think the call to is to blame, you could try to find that URL in a LUA file and then modify it using patchluastr. For example replacing the 5.7 in that URL with 8.1 gives this response:

locale: "en_us"
status: "ok"
timestamp: "2019-01-28T00:14:28+00:00"
vonGameTheory commented 5 years ago

Right, make it so it doesn't get an error. Duh, I'll try that. I might also be able to man-in-the-middle it with Fiddler and play around with responses. I will report back.

astuder commented 5 years ago

If we're lucky, it can process file:///C:/... style URLs and you could replace the call with a local JSON file.

vonGameTheory commented 5 years ago

So just to update this, I was able to suppress the pop-up error msg by replacing the response with a status "ok" as suggested above (I did this with Fiddler), but that's as far as I got. It did make another (successful) call to the server after that (for more js scripts), but the map still did nothing. And then I ended up getting the CC plan recently anyway, so that's as far as I'm going to take it with LR5.

thefool commented 5 years ago

any progress on this? can I help? I could send you the original files for you to have a look at.

concerning the call, how about just replacing the version number in the URL? this URL returns a better looking json:

astuder commented 5 years ago

I doubt that you will find the version number as replaceable string. But I noticed that the service will return OK if you modify the name of the .json file to something it doesn't know. E.g. google-map.json -> goggle-map.json

B-G-T commented 4 years ago

Any update on this? What is the blocking point?

vonGameTheory commented 4 years ago

As I said earlier, I was able to suppress some of the error messages, but never was able to get the map to work again on LR5.