astuetz / PagerSlidingTabStrip

An interactive indicator to navigate between the different pages of a ViewPager
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Not working on android studio 0.8.1 #115

Open TurkiTAK opened 10 years ago

TurkiTAK commented 10 years ago

I spent a whole day trying to get this working but I can NOT IMPLEMENT THE LIBRARY so Nervous.

sz4b0lcs commented 10 years ago

Can you describe your problem? It works for me with the latest Android Studio.

TurkiTAK commented 10 years ago

I tried both maven and gradle to implement this library but in both ways I get lots of problems, I also tried implementing it locally but that didn't also work Can you give me the steps you followed in order to get that working? I really did everything I could do and spent a whole day but nothing happened, by the way this is the first library I implement so I an kind of new to this stuff. Thanks

shaching commented 10 years ago

Do you encounter build error?

If yes, please see solution in

TurkiTAK commented 10 years ago

Yes it is a build error. I am going to try this later. Thank you very much

TurkiTAK commented 10 years ago

Did not work ): at first how can I implement the library before fixing it?

donnyc219 commented 10 years ago

@TurkiAlkhatib did you solve your problem? I guess i have the same problem as yours but I am using eclipse I imported the library to my workshop but it has already many (around 26) errors there…. I then add the library to my project and it has more error: The container 'Android Dependencies' references non existing library '/Users/xxxxxx/library/bin/library.jar"… I have spent the whole day working with that but no luck at all :(

TurkiTAK commented 10 years ago

Still did not work, I need it very much but I am now using that actionbar tabs abd I hate it. I tried implementing this for a day or longer and luck = 0.

donnyc219 commented 10 years ago

Hey @TurkiAlkhatib , what about trying this method: Instead of import the library to your project, copy the required files or content to your project. What should be copied are:, color, attars and background_tab.xml

And then make some changes in (you should be able to change because it's just about importing the right file).

It works in my project! Hope it helps you too

TurkiTAK commented 10 years ago

I tried that but what are these changes. My problem when I did that was that tabs didn't show

rhychel commented 10 years ago

Error:(33, 40) package com.astuetz.viewpager.extensions does not exist. How can I make it work? Thanks.

mtx62 commented 10 years ago

not working with me also :(

ChrisMCMine commented 10 years ago

Have you got the required repository in your build.gradle file? Like this:

repositories {
AndroidDeveloperLB commented 9 years ago

I can't even import the library into Android-Studio (by using the git URL "" ) , even on version 1.0.2 of Android-Studio. It shows me : "Gradle DSL method not found : 'getBootClasspath()' Consult IDE log for more details (Help | Show Log)"

Any idea how to solve this?

tonespy commented 9 years ago

Importing it into Android Studio is a huge problem, but I make it work. GoTo File > Import Module > Search For the module you are looking for. GoTo the library Build.gradle and change the automated version code finders

android {
    compileSdkVersion 21
    buildToolsVersion "21.1.0"

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 8
        targetSdkVersion 21

If you import the sample that came with the Project, you need to do the same there too. And also, you need to remove this line from the library build.gradle apply from: '' And, also I edited the code to allow Custom Tab Layout. Yeah, it's a little stressful, I know that too. I've used it on five different Enterprise Apps now, and No problem. @AndroidDeveloperLB @ChrisMCMine @mtx62 @rhychel

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 9 years ago

@tonespy Can you please put a nice how-to-import-to-Android-Studio tutorial on the main page of the repository (here: ) ?