astuetz / PagerSlidingTabStrip

An interactive indicator to navigate between the different pages of a ViewPager
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Changing the title of the adapter and notifyDatasetChanged does not work. #13

Closed ChristopheVersieux closed 11 years ago

ChristopheVersieux commented 11 years ago


The tabs are great and I really love them.

In my previous implementation using default Pager from Support library, I was able to change the titles dynamically by using:

        titles[0] = myPos;

The behavior seems broken on your library.

I will try to fix it myself or send you more info/code if needed.

HenriqueRocha commented 11 years ago

Call notifyDataSetChanged() on the PagerSlidingTabStrip instead. Worked for me yesterday with data loaded from a CursorLoader.

ChristopheVersieux commented 11 years ago

Thank a lot Henrique! Now that you said it, it looks obvious...