astuetz / PagerSlidingTabStrip

An interactive indicator to navigate between the different pages of a ViewPager
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How do I begin? Where is the jar? #130

Open shobhitg opened 9 years ago

shobhitg commented 9 years ago


I came across this wonderful library from a StackOverflow answer.

I imagined that I would have to download and import its jar into my project in Android studio. But I can't find any jar, I am totally clueless on usage.

I looked at The first step is to add dependency in build.gradle. But there has to be a jar file to contain the library itself. What am I missing?

Can someone please ELI5?


avenwu commented 9 years ago

Once you have added dependency within build.gradle and sync the changes, you can find the aar in the folder like: app/build/intermediates/exploded-aar/xxx