astuetz / PagerSlidingTabStrip

An interactive indicator to navigate between the different pages of a ViewPager
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how to setting custom attribute about PagerSlidingTabStrip in 1.0.1 version #275

Open woniugogogo opened 8 years ago

woniugogogo commented 8 years ago

not pagerSlidingTabStrip.setIndicatorColor()...etc like this: pagerSlidingTabStrip.setIndicatorColorResource(android.R.color.white); pagerSlidingTabStrip.setIndicatorHeight(DensityUtil.dip2px(getActivity(),2)); pagerSlidingTabStrip.setUnderlineColorResource(android.R.color.transparent); pagerSlidingTabStrip.setTextColorResource(android.R.color.white); pagerSlidingTabStrip.setDividerColorResource(android.R.color.transparent); ... pagerSlidingTabStrip.setAllCaps(false);//setting text-transform

theBlbDan commented 8 years ago

Is this a question or a statement?

woniugogogo commented 8 years ago

This is a description... The authors do not update some 1.0.1 version of the show... Such as home page to see the old version of the specification...

woniugogogo commented 8 years ago

I just found this problem, and put it here, hope to be able to help people in need...