astuetz / PagerSlidingTabStrip

An interactive indicator to navigate between the different pages of a ViewPager
139 stars 44 forks source link

Is this project being maintained? #77

Closed austynmahoney closed 9 years ago

austynmahoney commented 10 years ago

The owner has not contributed anything on Github for almost 3 months. There are over 40 issues currently open, with only a few with a response from the owner.

I am willing to create and maintain a new active fork of this if he does not respond within the next couple days.

This is an important piece of an application I am writing, so it has been necessary to cherry pick some of the proposed fixes from open PRs. There seems to be a lot of community around this project, but no contributor to merge that work. Let's help each other out and get all these fixes and improvements into a library.

adipascu commented 10 years ago

The owner seems to be busy, I am currently doing a project with this library and am planning to base my future projects on it. I will contribute with some features later on ;). Feel free to fork and fix what ever you want. If the fork is better, people will use it instead.

austynmahoney commented 10 years ago

Busy is an understatement. This is too widely used to be ignored for 3 months at a time. Let's put our collective power together and get a working fork with all the outstanding features and bug requests in.

32 looks very promising once updated to merge into this codebase. I will try to use that as a base for the new fork and then move to the other requested features/fixes.

Updates to come.

ghost commented 10 years ago

I know that I should spend more time on this project, as it's also really important to me. I just wanted to wait for #32 to be updated to the current codebase and then continue adding other features & fixes to the library. But as there are really a lot if new issues already, I wanna start including them during next week. Of course you can still do your own fork if you need any features or fixes urgent.

roxx commented 10 years ago

As a Must-Have library, this project needs to live :) Merging with #32 is a great idea. Maybe @Benjamin-Dobell helps us on that issue. Waiting for updates..

austynmahoney commented 10 years ago

@astuetz Thanks for all you've done so far. I don't want to take people away from the main repo if at all possible. I'd be willing to help move this forward. Do you need more contributors to provide issue/PR triage?

austynmahoney commented 10 years ago

If anyone is looking for an updated fork, please check out

I will be maintaining that going forward, unless this project picks up steam again.

mpost commented 10 years ago

@astuetz @austynmahoney Great to see you guyes continue to maintain the code base. I would just wish there would be an updated release in maven central.

Are you guys still working on the project?

adrian-chang commented 10 years ago

It seems like the second maintainer went into a black whole also (no work done in the last three months) is anyone going to step in? The whole codebase is 500 lines of code so if someone can take charge at least would be great. I wouldn't mind contributing but I personally cannot be in charge...

adipascu commented 10 years ago

Check out this fork, it seems to be the most maintained

mpost commented 10 years ago

I really would like to see a new version in maven central.

jpshelley commented 9 years ago

@astuetz has put in great work, but if it wasn't going to be maintained it should have been turned into a gist since its so short. I can't even view all the forks from the web interface because there are so many.

austynmahoney commented 9 years ago

I'm still here. Contribute all you want to my fork. I will respond and merge if it meets the projects quality requirements.