astuetz / PagerSlidingTabStrip

An interactive indicator to navigate between the different pages of a ViewPager
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getting nullpointer exception while creating Tabs within Tabs #80

Closed Tawsif closed 10 years ago

Tawsif commented 10 years ago

Not Able to Create swipeable tabs within swipeable tabs getting null pointer exception on getActionbar() ... plz help me with this

austynmahoney commented 10 years ago

You can't have swipeable tabs inside a swipeable tab. How would the system know which tabs should swipe when a MotionEvent is detected?

An NPE on getActionBar() has nothing to do with this library.

Tawsif commented 10 years ago

Sorry for misinterpretation ... I want actionbar tabs(Swipeable Tabs) within tabhost control of android which has no swipe functionality ... hence I want tabs within tabs .. plz give solution to this

On 11 March 2014 03:46, Austyn Mahoney wrote:

You can't have swipeable tabs inside a swipeable tab. How would the system know which tabs should swipe when a MotionEvent is detected?

An NPE on getActionBar() has nothing to do with this library.

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ghost commented 10 years ago

You definitely should go to stackoverflow and ask for help there as I think this has nothing to do directly with this library.