If Rhino script debugger is enabled in the system, the compilation is broken producing such errors:
Failed to load source from file:/home/bblommers/Servers/alfresco-!/META-INF/less.js: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/bblommers/Servers/alfresco-!/META-INF/less.js (No such file or directory)
The Rhino script processor is targeted to a wrong URL of the JavaScript files (the URL is missing the "jar:" protocol at the beginning) and the debugger can't open the scripts.
This issue was found in Alfresco project: https://issues.alfresco.com/jira/browse/MNT-13802
If Rhino script debugger is enabled in the system, the compilation is broken producing such errors: Failed to load source from file:/home/bblommers/Servers/alfresco-!/META-INF/less.js: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/bblommers/Servers/alfresco-!/META-INF/less.js (No such file or directory) The Rhino script processor is targeted to a wrong URL of the JavaScript files (the URL is missing the "jar:" protocol at the beginning) and the debugger can't open the scripts. This issue was found in Alfresco project: https://issues.alfresco.com/jira/browse/MNT-13802