asuc-octo / berkeley-mobile-android

The danker-than-iOS Berkeley Mobile app [Outdated]
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Codebase is not compliant with lint #153

Open eliwu64 opened 4 years ago

eliwu64 commented 4 years ago

The codebase fails the Gradle lint check with 4 errors and 393 warnings that have accumulated over time, some of which are release-blocking. We need to fix these errors and, in the future, mandate that all changes pass lint before they can be submitted.


Task :app:lintVitalRelease /bitrise/src/app/src/main/res/layout/fragment_calendar.xml:13: Error: @+id/toolbar is not a sibling in the same RelativeLayout [NotSibling] android:layout_below="@+id/toolbar"

Task :app:lint Correctness

1 | warning NestedScrolling: Nested scrolling widgets 1 | warning CommitPrefEdits: Missing commit() on SharedPreference editor 10 | warning DefaultLocale: Implied default locale in case conversion 2 | error InvalidPackage: Package not included in Android 3 | warning SimpleDateFormat: Implied locale in date format 1 | warning UnusedAttribute: Attribute unused on older versions 1 | error ProtectedPermissions: Using system app permission 13 | warning GradleDependency: Obsolete Gradle Dependency 1 | error RestrictedApi: Restricted API 11 | warning SpUsage: Using dp instead of sp for text sizes   | Security 1 | warning UnsafeProtectedBroadcastReceiver: Unsafe Protected BroadcastReceiver 2 | warning ExportedService: Exported service does not require permission 1 | warning AllowBackup: AllowBackup/FullBackupContent Problems   | Performance 18 | warning ObsoleteLayoutParam: Obsolete layout params 7 | warning ObsoleteSdkInt: Obsolete SDK_INT Version Check 10 | warning StaticFieldLeak: Static Field Leaks 9 | warning UseCompoundDrawables: Node can be replaced by a TextView with compound drawables 1 | warning ViewHolder: View Holder Candidates 1 | warning UseOfBundledGooglePlayServices: Use of bundled version of Google Play services 1 | warning InefficientWeight: Inefficient layout weight 6 | warning Overdraw: Overdraw: Painting regions more than once 42 | warning UnusedResources: Unused resources 7 | warning UselessParent: Useless parent layout 18 | warning RedundantNamespace: Redundant namespace 14 | warning UnusedNamespace: Unused namespace   | Usability:Icons 1 | warning IconNoDpi: Icon appears in both -nodpi and dpi folders 10 | warning IconDipSize: Icon density-independent size validation 12 | warning IconDuplicatesConfig: Identical bitmaps across various configurations 37 | warning IconLocation: Image defined in density-independent drawable folder 4 | warning IconDensities: Icon densities validation   | Usability 7 | warning ButtonStyle: Button should be borderless 1 | warning GoogleAppIndexingWarning: Missing support for Firebase App Indexing   | Accessibility 2 | warning ClickableViewAccessibility: Accessibility in Custom Views 20 | warning ContentDescription: Image without contentDescription 10 | warning KeyboardInaccessibleWidget: Keyboard inaccessible widget   | Internationalization 3 | warning SetTextI18n: TextView Internationalization 42 | warning HardcodedText: Hardcoded text   | Internationalization:Bidirectional Text 4 | warning RtlSymmetry: Padding and margin symmetry 61 | warning RtlHardcoded: Using left/right instead of start/end attributes 1 | warning RtlEnabled: Using RTL attributes without enabling RTL support