asulwer / RulesEngine

Rules Engine with extensive Dynamic expression support
MIT License
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Changes to Project Structure #7

Closed RenanCarlosPereira closed 1 week ago

RenanCarlosPereira commented 1 week ago


I noticed that in your fork of the repository, the src and tests folders have been removed, and their contents have been moved to the root directory. This deviates from the standard project structure recommended by several authoritative sources.

Details: The standard project structure, which includes dedicated src and tests folders, is beneficial for maintaining a clean and organized codebase. This structure is recommended for several reasons:


  1. Microsoft Project Structure Guidelines: Microsoft recommends maintaining a clear project structure with separate directories for source code and tests. More details can be found here: Microsoft Project Structure.
  2. Open Source Project Structure Conventions: The open-source community also supports this structure. For example, the following GitHub repository provides guidelines and examples: Folder Structure Conventions.

Question: Could you please provide the rationale behind removing the src and tests folders and moving their contents to the root directory? Understanding your reasoning could help align our practices or identify areas for improvement.

could we change it back?

asulwer commented 1 week ago

i was not aware of these porting 'guidelines' because i have not ported any projects.

although i did find this which may be a better reference than Microsoft's?

asulwer commented 1 week ago

i am going to update the changelog to include these guidelines, thoughts on that change?

RenanCarlosPereira commented 1 week ago

I dont think it needed to be added, because the original project was already like that, but you can add in the documentation on how to contribute

asulwer commented 1 week ago

i will consider this closed then. if you have any concerns relating to this issue i can reopen it, assuming reopening is possible