asummers / erlex

Convert Erlang style structs and error messages to equivalent Elixir.
34 stars 17 forks source link

Deprecated warning during compile #28

Closed OvermindDL1 closed 5 years ago

OvermindDL1 commented 5 years ago

Using Elixir 1.8.0 on OTP 21.2.2

==> erlex
Compiling 2 files (.erl)
/usr/lib64/erlang/lib/parsetools-2.1.5/include/yeccpre.hrl:60: Warning: erlang:get_stacktrace/0: deprecated; use the new try/catch syntax for retrieving the stack backtrace
Compiling 1 file (.ex)
Generated erlex app
OvermindDL1 commented 5 years ago

Nevermind, ignore this, parsetools version mismatch. ^.^