asvd / jailed

execute untrusted code with custom permissions
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Potential issue with Jailed crashing tab in travis #30

Closed dtracers closed 8 years ago

dtracers commented 8 years ago

I am creating chrome in travis (which for some reason has to run without sandbox) and as a result it sometimes crashes the chrome tab causing my build to fail.

I believe the problem is jailed because this is the only library I'm using in the tests that are crashing.

(and unfortunately this is the only real stack trace I have)

[INFO]   2) running test for /test/utilities/functions/baseExceptionTest.html?coverage=true
[INFO] childScriptTest.js
[INFO] 03:20:23.738 INFO - Executing: [get: http://localhost:9001/test/utilities/functions/childScriptTest.html?coverage=true])
[INFO] 03:20:29.082 WARN - Exception thrown
[INFO] org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: unknown error: session deleted because of page crash
[INFO] from tab crashed
asvd commented 8 years ago


can you maybe reproduce it outside of travis / selenium somehow? like manually repeat the same steps?

dtracers commented 8 years ago

I updated to the latest version (using the latest commit) and it seems to be working better so I think the merges after 0.2.0 have fixed it or at least made it more stable.

I will do more testing and reopen it if I can reproduce it using manual testing