When executing adg directly from the shell, the program always returns a zero exit code, even when the documentation generation process fails. Common convention is to return a non-zero exit code when the operation was not successful.
This prevents simple utilization in continuous integration scripts, instead requiring an implementation to call the program from another node script or carefully monitor stdout/stderr to check for success.
When executing adg directly from the shell, the program always returns a zero exit code, even when the documentation generation process fails. Common convention is to return a non-zero exit code when the operation was not successful.
This prevents simple utilization in continuous integration scripts, instead requiring an implementation to call the program from another node script or carefully monitor stdout/stderr to check for success.
To reproduce:
This should return anything other than zero on a failed case.
Tested versions: 1.7.1, 1.7.2 Tested OS: MacOS 10.12, Debian 9