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Implement data model generation #43

Closed jonaslagoni closed 3 years ago

jonaslagoni commented 3 years ago


The following are the proposed pitch from @magicmatatjahu and me in regards to implementing the data modelling based the research done in #21. The specific research where done in #32, #33, #34 and #31 and the specific requirements found in #42.

We will not re-define the problem from #21 but rather focus on the solution elements. Also this is a revised pitch for the model generation, the original can be found here.

Solution Overview

Positive Side-Effects

If done right this will not only benefit the AsyncAPI community but anyone who wish to generate data models.

Solution guidelines

The following are the solution guidelines and based on the requirements prioritized as Must have in #42. Follow up issues are required to resolve to a complete solution solving all the user stories. The non-functional requirements stated are however always expected to be followed.

Proposed solution

The following are the proposed solution which first outlines the different interactions that the library can have for then to dive into the generation process.

We propose to use React as our template language for the models and provide different out of box components for each language which can be used to fully customize the model. Below is an overview of the newly added modules, it is fairly high abstraction since implementation details are yet to be figured out.

Data model -Overview

As seen on the diagram we introduce Language Components, these are described further down. DataModeller are the module which is the core of the library which handles the conversions of any input to its internal model representation in the Input processor and then rendering that component by using the existing generator-react-sdk render class and returning the model. What the diagram does not show is that we propose a simple output class which contain 0 to many generated models based on the input which might also contain other meta data such as name of model etc. The CLI module is for providing the user a way to generate raw models with fairly limited customization.

In the overview you can see different actors interacting with the library. The User interact directly through the CLI where library, Nunjucks and React template uses the model generation library. The React template also has the option of using the direct language components to build its own models from the ground up. The different interactions which should be possible with the model generation library are the following:

  1. User wants to generate models through the CLI of the generator
  2. Integrate the model generation in a library
  3. Integrate the model generation in a React template
  4. Integrate the model generation in a Nunjucks template
  5. User wants to customize the generated models through the CLI of the generator
  6. Customize the model generation in a library
  7. Customize the model generation in a React template
  8. Customize the model generation in a Nunjucks template

The generation process

The generation process is split up into the following stages:

  1. Input process
  2. Rendering process

The input process

Data model -Input

Proposed solution contains an input process stage before rendering to use a common format to pass to the models. This is because of the requirements for multiple inputs - #E2. This means it can handle AsyncAPI and JSON Schema inputs from the initial version as they are stated as must haves, without having to introduce dependency.

Although AsyncAPI message payload is a superset of JSON Schema draft 7 we most likely will handle that input a bit differently. Especially if we have to support input that have been through the parser beforehand. Therefore we introduce a CommonInputModel class which contains all the relevant information for a model to be rendered. This class can be seen as a wrapper to the underlying CommonModel since it might contain more then 1 model to render.

One part thats left out from the image and explanation is the input part regarding customization. This is something that we have not layed out how it should interact.

The rendering process

We suggest using the already existing React SDK (generator-react-sdk)to render react components.

Used in a library

The following are examples to interactions with the library and how they could be done while also providing customization. Don't take notice in the specific customization examples on the actual arguments and configurations but the overall interaction. The arguments are to be finalized.

We have to be able to use the model library in any context, an example implementation could be the following:

import { generateModel, Visibility} from '@asyncapi/model-generator/java'
function renderModel(schema){
    var modelContent = generateModels(
            package: 'com.asyncapi',
            dependencies: ['com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat'],
            annotations: {
                properties: (property, propertyName) => {
                    if (property.format() !== 'date-time') return property
                    return annotate(property, 'JsonFormat', [{
                        shape: 'JsonFormat.Shape.STRING',
                        pattern: '"dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss"',
                methods: (method) => {
                    const { name, visibility, isStatic, returnType, arguments } = method
                    annotate(method, 'SomeAnnotation', [{
                        someAnnotationKey: '"someAnnotationValue"',
            methods: {
                hashCode: null, // Removes hashCode method from the generated result
                findEvenOdd: buildMethod({
                    name: 'findEvenOdd',
                    visibility: Visibility.PUBLIC,
                    static: true,
                    returnType: 'String',
                    parameters: [{
                        name: 'num',
                        type: 'int',
                        // default: 0,
                    body: '// method implementation here...'
                // getters
                // setters

Components to build

Based on the stated must have requirements and the investigation of correlation between languages the following are the proposed components which should be included in this issue. An important note, be careful when choosing between reducing duplicate code and reducing complexity, since one might introduce some common functionality to reduce duplicate code it will inevitably create complexity. Our suggestion is to reduce complexity in any turn possible over duplicate code, i.e. don't introduce common functionality between components of different languages.

These proposed components does not contain any specific props and we are leaving this up to the implementation phase to figure that out.


The following are components for Java which we see as must haves: <Package>, <Import> (or <Imports>), <Class>, <Constructor>, <Interface>, <Property>, <Method>, <Argument> (as parameter in method/constructor), <Enum>, <Annotation>, <Setter> (or <SetAccessor>), <Getter> (or <GetAccessor>), <Body>. Getter and Setter could be include in <Accessors> component. String inside Method component could be treated as Body component. ​ Nice to have: <Lambda>, <Record>.


The following are components for TypeScript/JavaScript which we see as must haves: <Module> (for CommonJS), <Import> (or <Imports>), <Class>, <Constructor>, <Method>, <Argument> (as parameter in method/constructor), <Setter> (or <SetAccessor>), <Getter> (or <GetAccessor>), <Function>, <Body>, <Property>. Getter and Setter could be include in <Accessors> component. String inside Method component could be treated as Body component. <Interface>, <Type>, <Decorator>, <Enum>, <Declare>

Nice to have: <Variable> (as standalone variable), then <Object>, <Array> etc..., <Lambda>. ​


The following are components for python which we see as must haves: <Import> (or <Imports>), <Class>, <Constructor> (dunder __init__ method), <Property>, <Method>, <Argument> (as parameter in method/constructor), <Decorator>, <Setter> (or <SetAccessor>), <Getter> (or <GetAccessor>), <Function>, <Body>. Getter and Setter could be include in <Accessors> component. String inside Method component could be treated as Body component. <Enum> (from enum package like class Days(enum.Enum)) - more info is here

Nice to have: <Interface> (this same as <Class> in Python case), <DunderMethod> (or maybe use normal <Method>?)


Only include

Please leave this alone

Watch out for

fmvilas commented 3 years ago

Please re-create this pitch as an Epic from Zenhub. This way, we'll be able to indicate which scopes and tasks belong to which Epic/Bet.

derberg commented 3 years ago

@fmvilas I think it should be enough to just click this

Screenshot 2021-01-12 at 11 48 19

fmvilas commented 3 years ago

Oh! That's a feature I completely overlooked. Thanks, man!

fmvilas commented 3 years ago

As per our offline conversation yesterday, here's my feedback:

  1. I don't think we need to support multiple inputs right now. Just a Message payload, which is a superset of JSON Schema. That said, it's ok to prepare things for the future but don't fall in the trap of early or premature optimizations. This is just an advice :)
  2. CLI should not be a must-have IMHO. This feature is for template developers, at least for now.
  3. Language components should not be a must-have IMHO. It's ok to use the library from a React component. If you ask me, I'd even say that we shouldn't have React language components because then we'll have 2 ways of doing the same thing.
  4. I'd try to recommend people to use Nunjucks filters or React components to render the model, instead of relying on the generate:after hook. It's ok if you want to mention but IMHO it shouldn't be the recommended way because we're delegating the rendering process to a hook when we already have a rendering process.
  5. Pay attention to the fact that non-React templates will have to load React because transpilation process will bundle React together with our library. As @magicmatatjahu said, it may not be a lot in the end because react-dom is not included. If you find a way to not having to include React in the bundled library, that would be optimal. However, don't lose too much time on this if that's going to be only 10Kb 😄

Aside from these minor points, I only have to say this is a superb work 💪

jonaslagoni commented 3 years ago

Updated the pitch to a revised version, original can be found here -

jonaslagoni commented 3 years ago

Here is our workflow the way we want to tackle this, numbers are tasks which can be completed at the same time:

1 - Create and define the shape/interface for common input model - 1 - Create and define the shape/interface for the output model - 2 - Create signatures for the transformation/generation functions - 2 - Implement the input common transformation for JSON Schema and AsyncAPI. 2.5 - Integrate the context inside React renderer - 3 - Create a basic model for Java and Javascript/Typescript 4 - Integrate model generation into Java and Javascript/Typescript library into spring-template and ts-nats-template

jonaslagoni commented 3 years ago


Just to summarize this bet based on the stated requirements and the pitch.

Use cases

First some reflections on the stated use-cases we must support.

When compared to our Boundaries stated in the pitch, have solved all Must have prioritizations and included a lot of the Should have.

Non-functional requirements

We had a test coverage requirement which was At least a test coverage of 95% for the solution, where we ended up on the following:

Statement test coverage: 97%
Branch test coverage: 89% 
Function test coverage: 98%
Lines test coverage: 98%

We have also included relevant documentation in regard to customization and general setup which upholds Include documentation regarding all the ways to customize the model generation.


We still have two outstanding tasks and which are done but are still missing reviews to complete.