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Create outstanding documentation and tutorials #79

Open fmvilas opened 3 years ago

fmvilas commented 3 years ago


The current documentation and tutorials are good already. However, they're not enough for most people to get started with AsyncAPI. This is usually to the fact that the specification is large and tough to read, there are not many examples of how to use AsyncAPI for your use case (or a similar one), and there's no guide on how to use AsyncAPI with each protocol.

We should improve our documentation and tutorials to cover a full getting started guide, many different use cases, and examples of how AsyncAPI can be used with different protocols. From beginner to advanced, step by step. Our documentation should start looking a little bit more like a game: enjoyable and interactive.

Video content would also be super helpful here as new generations tend to use more the video format than the written one. In any case, we need it written so it's easy to copy and paste.

iamVP7 commented 2 years ago

Hi @fmvilas ,

I just came across this project. In our team we have habit of writing REST API docs using OpenAPI Specification whenever we have to give API to our client team. At first I didn't understand why were we not able to achieve the swagger itself, after reading this article, i understood well and was excited more to contribute to community so I can learn and share about this to wider audience.

I have been contributing to Mozilla community previously for FirefoxOS and WebExtension, where I have developed other developers to build apps and add-ons for Browser. Have authored a book on WebExtension based on the Simple examples.

I will be really happy to know where I can get started.

fmvilas commented 2 years ago

Hey @iamVP7! I think @derberg and @alequetzalli should be able to help you better. Thanks a lot for reaching out and offering to contribute 🙌

derberg commented 2 years ago

@iamVP7 best would be if you could maybe join our slack or just head on to if you want to start contributing docs first

iamVP7 commented 2 years ago

@derberg thanks I have already joined Slack. VISWAPRASATH KS is my name in that. I will check the asyncapi/website#350 as you have mentioned and get started.

Thanks @fmvilas & @derberg once again.

quetzalliwrites commented 2 years ago

Hey @iamVP7, sorry I just saw this thread! Please don't be shy to tag me for any documentation questions and/or PRs. 😀 Let me know if there is anything you need! I'm on the Slack channel too so you can always reach out there too 🙂👍🏽

derberg commented 2 years ago

@alequetzalli no worries, he found a way. @iamVP7 helps with conference sponsors prospectus