asyncer-io / r2dbc-mysql

Reactive Relational Database Connectivity for MySQL. The official successor to mirromutth/r2dbc-mysql(dev.miku:r2dbc-mysql).
Apache License 2.0
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Not Able to access Id (auto generated field) post save operation #149

Closed bhishambajaj1999 closed 11 months ago

bhishambajaj1999 commented 11 months ago

return .flatMap(savedOrder -> { // Access the saved entity with the populated id Long orderId = savedOrder.getId();"OrderId.....{}", orderId); // Getting null here..

      // Perform operations on the id if needed
      // ...

      return Mono.just("Insert Successful"); // Return a success message
    .doOnSuccess(successMessage ->"Successfully Inserted"))
    .doOnError(error -> log.error("Failed to Insert", error));


@Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Column(name = "id", nullable = false) private Long id;

mysql: id bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, The field is getting persisted correctly in database, but I am not able to access it.

jchrys commented 11 months ago

Hello, @bhishambajaj1999. Unfortunately, I'm unable to replicate this problem in my current environment. Would it be possible for you to provide us with a reproducer?

bhishambajaj1999 commented 11 months ago

Hello, @jchrys , Please find additional info. public class Orders {

@Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Column(name = "id", nullable = false) private Long id;

@Column(name = "order_id", nullable = false) private String orderId;

@Column(name = "status", nullable = false) @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) private OrderState status;

@Column(name = "type", nullable = false) @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) private OrderType type;

@Column(name = "client_code", nullable = false) private String clientCode;

@Column(name = "billing_code", nullable = false) private String billingCode;

@Column(name = "pincode", nullable = false) private String pincode;

@Column(name = "address", columnDefinition = "json", nullable = false) @Type(type = "json") private Address address;

@Column(name = "lab_id") private Long labId;

@Column(name = "tenant_id", nullable = false) private String tenantId;

@Column(name = "contact_no", nullable = false) private String contactNo;

@Column(name = "contact_no_hashed", nullable = false) private String contactNoHashed;

@Column(name = "email_id") private String emailId;

@Column(name = "origin", columnDefinition = "json", nullable = false) @Type(type = "json") private Origin origin;

@Column(name = "referred_by", nullable = false) private String referredBy;

@Column(name = "is_deleted", columnDefinition = "bit(1)", nullable = false) private boolean isDeleted;

@Column(name = "attributes", columnDefinition = "json", nullable = false) @Type(type = "json") private OrderAttributes attributes; }

This is my R2dbcConfig @Bean public ReactiveTransactionManager transactionManager(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { return new R2dbcTransactionManager(connectionFactory); }

@Override @Bean @Primary public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() { ConnectionFactoryOptions baseOptions = ConnectionFactoryOptions.parse(r2dbcProperties.getUrl()); ConnectionFactoryOptions ob = ConnectionFactoryOptions.builder().from(baseOptions) .option(USER, r2dbcProperties.getUsername()) .option(PASSWORD, r2dbcProperties.getPassword()) .build();

ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = ConnectionFactories.get(ob);
PropertyMapper map = PropertyMapper.get().alwaysApplyingWhenNonNull();
ConnectionPoolConfiguration.Builder builder = ConnectionPoolConfiguration.builder(
R2dbcProperties.Pool pool = r2dbcProperties.getPool();

return new ConnectionPool(;


@Bean ConnectionFactoryInitializer initializer(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { ConnectionFactoryInitializer initializer = new ConnectionFactoryInitializer(); initializer.setConnectionFactory(connectionFactory); return initializer; }

@Override @Bean public R2dbcCustomConversions r2dbcCustomConversions() { List<Converter<?, ?>> converters = new ArrayList<>(); converters.add(new OrdersReadingConverter(objectMapper)); converters.add(new OrdersWritingConverter(objectMapper));

return new R2dbcCustomConversions(getStoreConversions(), converters);


Sharing Reading convertor public Orders convert(Row source) {

return Orders.builder()
    .orderId(source.get("order_id", String.class))
    .status(OrderState.valueOf(source.get("status", String.class)))
    .type(OrderType.valueOf(source.get("type", String.class)))
    .clientCode(source.get("client_code", String.class))
    .billingCode(source.get("billing_code", String.class))
    .pincode(source.get("pincode", String.class))
    .address(objectMapper.readValue(source.get("address", String.class), Address.class))
    .labId(source.get("lab_id", Long.class))
    .tenantId(source.get("tenant_id", String.class))
    .contactNo(source.get("contact_no", String.class))
    .contactNoHashed(source.get("contact_no_hashed", String.class))
    .emailId(source.get("email_id", String.class))
    .origin(objectMapper.readValue(source.get("origin", String.class), Origin.class))
    .referredBy(source.get("referred_by", String.class))
    .isDeleted(Boolean.TRUE.equals(source.get("is_deleted", Boolean.class)))
        objectMapper.readValue(source.get("attributes", String.class), OrderAttributes.class))


The requirement is to do operation on auto generated id, which I am not able to retrieve, but It is getting saved in database correctly. Currently I am handling this by explicitly calling
return databaseClient.sql("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()") .map((row, metadata) -> row.get(0, Long.class)) .one();

    In Jpa I am able to retrieve this auto generated Id implicitly, I am new to R2dbc not sure if it is supported implicitly, if yes not sure what is going wrong here.

    I am using spring boot **2.7.4**
   implementation("io.asyncer:r2dbc-mysql:0.9.4") => Driver for r2dbc
jchrys commented 11 months ago

Hello, @bhishambajaj1999. Thank you for providing the information. It appears that the details you've shared are not quite sufficient for me to replicate the issue in my own environment( However, it seems that the issue may be related to either spring-data-r2dbc or spring-data-relational. I would suggest considering reaching out to the respective project team.