This fixes the naming conventions of headers and import paths, and makes the build system much easier to understand and change. It now uses cmake. To the first time you want to build the program, do the following for the root directory in the project
for subsequent builds, from build_dir run cmake --build . -- -j 8 (or a different number depending on number of cores desired)
To install the files, from build_dir run cmake --install . --prefix /path/to/install/directory
I know you might not accept this pull request but at least fetch the branch and try it before rejecting it. I think it will make development simpler.
This fixes the naming conventions of headers and import paths, and makes the build system much easier to understand and change. It now uses cmake. To the first time you want to build the program, do the following for the root directory in the project
for subsequent builds, from
runcmake --build . -- -j 8
(or a different number depending on number of cores desired) To install the files, frombuild_dir
runcmake --install . --prefix /path/to/install/directory
I know you might not accept this pull request but at least fetch the branch and try it before rejecting it. I think it will make development simpler.