asyncwebio / bigbluebutton-streaming

BigBlueButton Streaming - Your free, open-source solution to expand your virtual classrooms to thousands of learners globally. Stream live on YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, or any RTMP server right from BigBlueButton. No more user limit - teach without boundaries.
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How to get rid of "Chrome is being controlled by automated software" #50

Open AzotoSolutions-dev opened 5 months ago

AzotoSolutions-dev commented 5 months ago

How to get rid of "Chrome is being controlled by automated software" during the stream chrome recording? I've tried to modiy also the bbb_stream.js like this without success.

var options = { headless: true, // Cambiato a true args: [ '--disable-infobars', '--autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required', '--no-sandbox', '--disable-dev-shm-usage', --window-size=${width},${height}, '--app=', '--start-fullscreen', '--disable-extensions', '--disable-sync', '--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled' ], excludeSwitches: ['enable-automation'] }

any ideas?