Using the lib in an application with a name containing spaces crashes at start because it can't find the
default.json file.
PianoAnalytics: a default config should be provided inside the framework
The reason is that "%20" characters are inserted in the path by the use of url(forResource line 322 this lead to
static func JSONFileToMap(path: String) -> [String: String]? {
do {
let data = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: path), options: .mappedIfSafe)
throw No such file or directory
I have added a new test target containing spaces "Piano Analytics Tests" to reproduce the error.
Finally Bundle.module.path fix the issue.
Using the lib in an application with a name containing spaces crashes at start because it can't find the default.json file.
PianoAnalytics: a default config should be provided inside the framework
The reason is that "%20" characters are inserted in the path by the use of
line 322 this lead tothrow
No such file or directory
I have added a new test target containing spaces "Piano Analytics Tests" to reproduce the error. Finally
fix the issue.