Open txshang opened 4 years ago
Information to reproduce and/or describe your problem should be provided. No one can help you without information.
I use ros kinetic on ubuntu16.04 I use catkin_make to build mcl_3dl from source,I use pcl 1.8.1 I don't change default configurations,i changed the launch like this I use rslidar points odom and a imu When I call /global_localization,the position of particles always converge to the same place like this Can I give my bag and pcd map to you,so you can give me some help
Did you confirmed that the pointcloud, odometry, IMU data are correctly fed to mcl_3dl node?
<remap from="rslidar_points" to="rslidar_points" />
This has no effect.
If the pointcloud is published to /rslidar_points
, it is not fed to mcl_3dl
Please check that the topics of pointcloud, odometry, IMU are connected to mcl_3dl
node. (for example by using rqt_graph
I have changed some topics name,so the /rslidar_points is no problem,imu and odom are all correct,the problem is just happened on this map and bag,if a map with height is not support
the map is a pointcloud map with height
if a map with height is not support
I couldn't understand what do you mean these part. As this package is 3-D/6-DOF, the map pointcloud always must have height (z position) information. Could you explain bit more detail?
I mean if some configurations should be set,so to achieve a 6DOF localization.Because when I run localization on a robot which always move on a fixed height,it works.but if robot move on terrain , it not works.
Can I send the bag and map to you, could you do me a favor to test it when you are free
Sure, seeing the actual data would be easier. Could you upload the bag and map to somewhere? or, do you want not to make them public?
I can upload the data to GitHub and give you a link
When I run the code, the particles will always converge to a same position,the map is a pointcloud map with height, so i want to know if some parameters should be set.