Open isaogotu opened 2 years ago
Looks like required topics aren't connected. I guess following remapping is required:
is specified but IMU data is not provided
This node requires at least one of odometry or IMU. (basically recommended to have both)
Default parameters aren't good for velodyne
Horizontal scan of Velodyne is split into several pointcloud messages.
In this case, the ~/accum_cloud
parameter should be increased to the number of the pointcloud messages to reconstruct a full horizontal scan.
Thank you for your kind reply.
I have changed the test.launchu file as advised in 1. as follows.
<remap from="horizontal_laser_3d" to="cloud"/>
<remap from="/velodyne_points" to="cloud"/>
However, I don't know which part of /odom I should change. I am sorry to trouble you, but could you please let me know?
I changed the execution command as advised in 2. as follows.
roslaunch mcl_3dl test.launch use_neonavigation:=true without_odom=true use_pointcloud_map:=true map_pcd:=${HOME}/Downloads/廊下2.pcd use_cad_map:=false use_bag_file:=true bag_file:=${HOME}/Downloads/廊下2.bag
roslaunch mcl_3dl test.launch use_neonavigation:=true without_imu:=true use_pointcloud_map:=true map_pcd:=${HOME}/Downloads/廊下2.pcd use_cad_map:=false use_bag_file:=true bag_file:=${HOME}/Downloads/廊下2.bag
I am not sure where to adjust the parameters, although I am not competent enough regarding the part of 3. to change the parameters. I am sorry, but could you please tell me where and how to change the parameters? Thank you in advance.
It has been a while. Thank you for your help.
Based on your advice in 1., I rewrote the "test.launch" file as follows
<remap from="/velodyne_points" to="cloud"/>
<remap from="/RosAria/pose" to="/odom"/>
After the change, I tried to run the following command, but the error occurred again.
roslaunch mcl_3dl test.launch use_neonavigation:=true without_imu:=true use_pointcloud_map:=true map_pcd:=${HOME}/Downloads/廊下2.pcd use_cad_map:=false use_bag_file:=true bag_file:=${HOME}/Downloads/廊下2.bag
The result is as follows.
... logging to /home/isao/.ros/log/58c007aa-2602-11ed-9689-c9edbca94522/roslaunch-isaoPC-262795.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
WARNING: disk usage in log directory [/home/isao/.ros/log] is over 1GB.
It's recommended that you use the 'rosclean' command.
started roslaunch server http://isaoPC:38521/
* /mcl_3dl/acc_var: 1.2
* /mcl_3dl/accum_cloud: 2
* /mcl_3dl/compatible: 1
* /mcl_3dl/fake_imu: True
* /mcl_3dl/likelihood/match_dist_min: 0.3
* /mcl_3dl/likelihood/match_output_dist: 0.3
* /mcl_3dl/lpf_step: 1.0
* /mcl_3dl/map_frame: map
* /mcl_3dl/num_particles: 128
* /mcl_3dl/resample_var_pitch: 0.1
* /mcl_3dl/resample_var_roll: 0.1
* /mcl_3dl/resample_var_yaw: 0.05
* /obj_to_pointcloud/downsample_grid: 0.1
* /obj_to_pointcloud/frame_id: map
* /obj_to_pointcloud/points_per_meter_sq: 1200.0
* /path_recorder/ang_interval: 0.2
* /path_recorder/dist_interval: 0.1
* /pcd_to_pointcloud/frame_id: map
* /pcd_to_pointcloud/latch: True
* /poses_ref/ang_interval: 100.0
* /poses_ref/dist_interval: 0.5
* /robot_description: <...>
* /rosdistro: noetic
* /rosversion: 1.15.14
* /use_sim_time: True
mcl_3dl (mcl_3dl/mcl_3dl)
path_recorder (trajectory_tracker/trajectory_recorder)
pcd_to_pointcloud (pcl_ros/pcd_to_pointcloud)
playback (rosbag/play)
poses_ref (trajectory_tracker/trajectory_recorder)
robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher)
rviz (rviz/rviz)
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [262803]
setting /run_id to 58c007aa-2602-11ed-9689-c9edbca94522
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [262813]
started core service [/rosout]
process[playback-2]: started with pid [262820]
process[rviz-3]: started with pid [262821]
process[mcl_3dl-4]: started with pid [262822]
process[pcd_to_pointcloud-5]: started with pid [262827]
process[path_recorder-6]: started with pid [262829]
process[poses_ref-7]: started with pid [262830]
process[robot_state_publisher-8]: started with pid [262832]
[ERROR] [1661602704.603946358]: ======= [Deprecated] /path_recorder is run in compatible mode =======
Set _compatible:=1 to switch to new topic namespaces.
Compatible mode will be obsolated in the future update.
[ERROR] [1661602704.628417213]: Use /path (path) topic instead of /path_recorder/recpath (~/recpath)
[ERROR] [1661602704.631881642]: ======= [Deprecated] /poses_ref is run in compatible mode =======
Set _compatible:=1 to switch to new topic namespaces.
Compatible mode will be obsolated in the future update.
[ERROR] [1661602704.652803786]: Use /path (path) topic instead of /poses_ref/recpath (~/recpath)
[ WARN] [1661602704.953176774, 1658905467.678391750]: TF exception: "map" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist.
[ WARN] [1661602704.953811226, 1658905467.678391750]: TF exception: "map" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist.
[ INFO] [1661602705.020083669, 1658905467.738745699]: map received
[ WARN] [1661602705.154825874, 1658905467.879607474]: TF exception: "map" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist.
[ WARN] [1661602705.155166976, 1658905467.879607474]: TF exception: "map" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist.
[ INFO] [1661602705.219543678, 1658905467.939985959]: map original: 1242179 points
[ INFO] [1661602705.219594638, 1658905467.939985959]: map reduced: 279970 points
[ WARN] [1661602705.357155983, 1658905468.081543373]: TF exception: "map" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist.
[ WARN] [1661602705.357328758, 1658905468.081543373]: TF exception: "map" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist.
[ INFO] [1661602705.418477274, 1658905468.142027868]: Failed to transform pointcloud: "velodyne" passed to lookupTransform argument source_frame does not exist.
[ INFO] [1661602705.518544660, 1658905468.242761338]: Failed to transform pointcloud: "velodyne" passed to lookupTransform argument source_frame does not exist.
[ WARN] [1661602705.558511420, 1658905468.283019513]: TF exception: "map" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist.
[ WARN] [1661602705.558782444, 1658905468.283019513]: TF exception: "map" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist.
[ INFO] [1661602705.617990599, 1658905468.343383709]: Failed to transform pointcloud: "velodyne" passed to lookupTransform argument source_frame does not exist.
[ INFO] [1661602705.719062220, 1658905468.444160571]: Failed to transform pointcloud: "velodyne" passed to lookupTransform argument source_frame does not exist.
Can you please give me some advice on how to solve these problems? Thank you in advance for your time.
Nice to meet you! I am a researcher of mobile robots.
I am very much helped by at-wat's package. Thank you very much.
I would like to run mcl_3dl with a bag file observed with Velodyne 32 channel and a point cloud map constructed from the bag file. However, when I run it, the self-position estimation does not start. Any advice would be appreciated.
This is my first time asking this question, so if I am being rude, please let me know.
Here are the results of the run.
Below is the information from the bag file.