at0g / nunjucks-loader

A webpack loader for nunjucks.
MIT License
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opts key for query not working #54

Closed bonesoul closed 6 years ago

bonesoul commented 7 years ago

for webpack2 i have the following config;

        // nunjucks template loader.
        test: /\.html$/, use: [{
          loader: 'nunjucks-loader',
          query: {
            opts: {
              autoescape: true, // escape dangerous characters.
              trimBlocks: true, // automatically remove trailing newlines from a block/tag
              lstripBlocks: true, // automatically remove leading whitespace from a block/tag
              web: {
                useCache: true // will enable cache and templates will never see updates.
            config: __dirname + '/assets/js/common/nunjucks.config.js'

my nunjucks.config.js;

const moment = require('moment/min/moment-with-locales.min.js');

module.exports = function (env) {
  // add moment to client side nunjucks too.
  env.addGlobal('moment', moment); // eslint-disable-line no-undef


and i see on browser that these settings are not applied to env;


any ideas?

calledT commented 7 years ago

Relative to Introduce getOptions

bonesoul commented 7 years ago

so how can i fix that?