Closed at15 closed 6 years ago
APL read from right to left
Pick 6 lottery number
x[⍋x←6?40] data generation has a html escape &
, might make a PR later to
/ Generate some random computer statistics (cpu usage only)
/ You can modify n (number of unique computers), timerange (how long the data is for)
/ freq (how often a computer publishes a statistic) and calls (the number of logged calls)
n:1000; timerange:5D; freq:0D00:01; calls:3000;
depts:`finance`packing`logistics`management`hoopjumping`trading`telesales; startcpu:(til n)!25+n?20; fcn:n*fc:`long$timerange%freq;
computer:([]time:(-0D00:00:10 + fcn?0D00:00:20)+fcn#(.z.p - timerange)+freq*til fc; id:raze fc#'key startcpu)
computer:update `g#id from `time xasc update cpu:{100>3|startcpu[first x]+sums(count x)?-2 -1 -1 0 0 1 1 2}[id] by id from computer
/ And generate some random logged calls
calls:([] time:(.z.p - timerange)+asc calls?timerange; id:calls?key startcpu; severity:calls?1 2 3)
/ create a lookup table of computer information
computerlookup:([id:key startcpu] dept:n?depts; os:n?`win7`win8`osx`vista)
shows all the table being created
q) tables
k){."\\a ",$$[^x;`;x]}
q) tables[]!
q) count each value each tables[]
3000 7200000 1000
q) tables[]! count each value each tables[]
calls | 3000
computer | 7200000
computerlookup| 1000
ad-hoc join
q)calls lj computerlookup
time id severity dept os
2017.11.14D01:50:39.028941608 990 1 hoopjumping win7
2017.11.14D01:50:42.241758621 33 2 telesales win8
2017.11.14D01:50:42.694582558 843 1 management win7
2017.11.14D01:52:02.383347667 16 2 management win7
2017.11.14D01:54:52.882221705 776 3 packing vista
2017.11.14D01:57:15.965935654 529 3 management vista
2017.11.14D02:01:03.514993108 766 1 hoopjumping win7
Time joins
(asof join) get the last value from the computer table prior to the record in the call tableq)aj[`id`time;calls;computer]
time id severity cpu
2014.05.09D12:28:29.436601608 990 1 36
2014.05.09D12:28:32.649418621 33 2 28
2014.05.09D12:28:33.102242558 843 1 37
2014.05.09D12:29:52.791007667 16 2 41
2014.05.09D12:32:43.289881705 776 3 29
2014.05.09D12:35:06.373595654 529 3 24
2014.05.09D12:38:53.922653108 766 1 31
is generalization of asof joinq) wj[-0D00:10 0D00:02+\:calls.time;`id`time; calls; (update `p#id from `id xasc computer;(max;`cpu);(avg;`cpu))]
time id severity cpu cpu
2017.11.14D01:50:39.028941608 990 1 1 1
2017.11.14D01:50:42.241758621 33 2 1 1
2017.11.14D01:50:42.694582558 843 1 1 1
2017.11.14D01:52:02.383347667 16 2 1 1
2017.11.14D01:54:52.882221705 776 3 1 1
2017.11.14D01:57:15.965935654 529 3 1 1
2017.11.14D02:01:03.514993108 766 1 1 1
Randomness and probability
q)A:5?1.;A /5 random floats from 0..1
0.03505812 0.7834427 0.7999031 0.9046515 0.2232866
q)B:10?2;B /coin toss
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
q)B1:10?0b;B1 /with booleans
q)C:-3?3;C /deal 3 unique cards out of 3
1 0 2
q)(min;max)@\:A /min and max over the list
0.03505812 0.9046515
q)B?0 /first zero
q)avg C~/:1_10000{-3?3}\() /method monte carlo
q)reciprocal f 3 /exact probability of 3 cards in given order
q)item:`nut / atom (singleton)
q)items:`nut`bolt`cam`cog / list
q)sales: 6 8 0 3 / list
q)prices: 10 20 15 20 / list
q)(items;sales;prices) / list of lists
nut bolt cam cog
6 8 0 3
10 20 15 20
q)dict:`items`sales`prices!(items;sales;prices) / dictionary
items | nut bolt cam cog
sales | 6 8 0 3
prices| 10 20 15 20
q)tab:([]items;sales;prices) / table
items sales prices
nut 6 10
bolt 8 20
cam 0 15
cog 3 20
Note that a table is a flip (transpose) of a dictionary (I think it's just display in this way? If you store table in columnar format, it's just using dictionary, where each key is column name and each value is a list of table cells in this column)
q)flip dict
items sales prices
nut 6 10
bolt 8 20
cam 0 15
cog 3 20
closing all reference issue for now ....