ata4 / bspsrc

A Source engine map decompiler
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(Closed, already implemented) Suggestion: Missing File Restoration #157

Closed TabTray closed 1 year ago

TabTray commented 1 year ago

Not sure how possible this is, but a feature where BSPSource attempts to recover/extract any missing textures/models from maps would be greatly appreciated. If you don't know what I mean, this is what happens to pl_breadspace from TF2, tool brush-less: image image image image image

rihi commented 1 year ago

I've never decompiled that map in question, but normally the first reason for missing textures/models, is that they are embedded into the bsp, so hammer doesn't know them. If that is the case here aswell, please have look at the FAQ. It tells you how to extract these resources and where to put them.

TabTray commented 1 year ago

Oh. Thank you!