ata4 / disunity

An experimental toolset for Unity asset and asset bundle files.
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Unity 5 extracting #135

Open saggycondom opened 9 years ago

saggycondom commented 9 years ago

I was trying to extract a .unity3d package and ended up with this error: [info] Wetshaders.unity3d\sharedassets0.assets [warning] FileCommand: Can't process Wetshaders.unity3d, caused by info.ata4.uni ty.asset.AssetException: Unknown asset format 15 at info.ata4.unity.asset.AssetFile.load( at info.ata4.unity.cli.cmd.AssetCommand.processAssetBundleFile(AssetComm at info.ata4.unity.cli.cmd.AssetCommand.processFile( ) at info.ata4.unity.cli.cmd.FileCommand.processPath( at at at info.ata4.unity.cli.DisUnityCli.main(

As you may have read, I am trying to extract a shader file, and looking at your recent replies, I have seen that this is a issue resolved in 0.4. At it current state according to you shaders can be extracted perfectly fine? If that is so, please release a pre-release version so we can atleast get started on extracting :(

heikomilke commented 9 years ago
