ata4 / disunity

An experimental toolset for Unity asset and asset bundle files.
The Unlicense
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Error: Unable to access jarfile disunity.jar #141

Open SSHX opened 8 years ago

SSHX commented 8 years ago

Hi guys,

first of all, great work for this tool :)

Unfortunately, I downloaded the .zip file, extracted, and tried to run the script but i'm still stuck with this message "Error: Unable to access jarfile disunity.jar". I have the latest JRE/JDK of Java.

Could you please give me a procedure for solving this issue and using your tools ?

Thanks !

shekooogames commented 8 years ago


saggycondom commented 8 years ago


CainAria commented 8 years ago


Eleiyas commented 8 years ago

OK! So after a lot of fiddling around, I finally got this damn thing to work!

1 - Install latest Java JRE and Java JDK

2 - Add both of them to your System Envrionment Variables

3 - Download & Extract Disunity

4 - Rename the extracted folder to "disunity"

5 - Place this folder in C:\

6 - Add C:\disunity to your System Envrionment Variables

7 - Change security settings on disunity folder to give full rights

8 - Open CMD as an Administrator

9 - use command " CD C:\disunity "

10 - now you can use " java -jar disunity.jar "

it wont do much, so you have to use " java -jar disunity.jar command "

Hope this helps you all ^^ (took me a sweet while to figure it out thought)