ata4 / disunity

An experimental toolset for Unity asset and asset bundle files.
The Unlicense
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[warning] FileCommand: Can't process .unity3d, caused by info.ata4.unity.asset.AssetException: Unknown asset format 15 #149

Open srikant opened 8 years ago

srikant commented 8 years ago

Unable to perform extract command, please help...

java -jar disunity.jar extract game.unity3d [info] DisUnity v0.3.4 [info] game.unity3d [info] Uncompressing asset bundle, this may take a while [info] game.unity3d/sharedassets0.assets [warning] FileCommand: Can't process game.unity3d, caused by info.ata4.unity.asset.AssetException: Unknown asset format 15 at info.ata4.unity.asset.AssetFile.load( at info.ata4.unity.cli.cmd.AssetCommand.processAssetBundleFile( at info.ata4.unity.cli.cmd.AssetCommand.processFile( at info.ata4.unity.cli.cmd.FileCommand.processPath( at at at info.ata4.unity.cli.DisUnityCli.main(

hung365dev commented 8 years ago

This is game made with Unity 5 version. You must wait the author build the latest version that support extract resources from Unity 5.

Lolekowy commented 8 years ago

I also have the same problem, game was made with Unity 5 engine.

Last update was almost a year ago. I hope that ata is able to make it extract from unity 5 :(

Neogene commented 8 years ago

Hi how could we update the sources to add unity 5 support?

Kallin commented 8 years ago


Kallin commented 8 years ago

Btw it looks like @ivanpopelyshev is hard at work on this judging from recent commits. I may try building from source and see how far I can get. There is a very popular card game that recently moved to unity 5 which I'm interested in seeing the textures for!

ivanpopelyshev commented 8 years ago

Well, it works on certain minecraft clone :)

@Kallin do you know how to convert tex do dds, by the way?

Kallin commented 8 years ago

@ivanpopelyshev I've never tried, is it a problem?

Keril commented 8 years ago

Please update it to work with Unity 5. Disunity is a great tool that I used often and I am not able to because files are from game made in Unity 5.

Thanks for all the great work so far!