ata4 / disunity

An experimental toolset for Unity asset and asset bundle files.
The Unlicense
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New User Help (Simple Asset Extraction Only) #162

Open aaronedmiston opened 8 years ago

aaronedmiston commented 8 years ago

I've located the cache for the Pokémon TCG Online app on my Mac and was told this would be the best way to extract any .dds files from it. I've downloaded and installed JDK 8u68 and downloaded the most recent version of Disunity, but I'm not quite sure what location the folder should be in and how I would go about accessing it from the Terminal. I've also copied all CAB-(alphanumeric string) files to a folder on my desktop. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

aaronedmiston commented 8 years ago

I think I've made a little bit of progress. I redownloaded Disunity (a compiled version this time) and copied the contents the the folder with the cache files. I was able to launch the tool via the Terminal once I changed the directory to the cache folder and used java -jar disunity.jar. It shows the version info, usage, etc, but when I try to use any of the commands, I get an error that reads -bash: disunity: command not found.

RupW commented 8 years ago

but when I try to use any of the commands, I get an error that reads -bash: disunity: command not found

It sounds like you've switched back from typing java -jar disunity.jar to just disunity? If you're missing the disunity shell script then you can run everything from the java line e.g. try

java -jar disunity.jar extract mainData

rather then disunity extract mainData etc.

aaronedmiston commented 8 years ago

That is exactly what the problem was. Using java -jar disunity.jar [command] [options] worked! Thank you so much!

Just curious, how would I go about launching the shell? Would doing so allow the use of disunity [command] [options]?