ata4 / disunity

An experimental toolset for Unity asset and asset bundle files.
The Unlicense
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How to setup disunity on mac #174

Open lostinspace247 opened 8 years ago

lostinspace247 commented 8 years ago


I am trying to figure out how to get the disunity set up on the mac, but I cannot figure it out to save my life. I have tried everything people have recommended in the issues previous to mine, but nothing was the result. I have tried using the following command 'java -jar disunity.jar', but nothing worked; all i got was Unable to access jarfile disunity.jar. Can someone please help me!


Got it working finally, but I can actually extract anthing from the files. All I get is block files. I am trying to get back files that have the name sharedassetsX.assets and levelX, but I get nothing. Is there a command I need to run so I can open these things in unity again?


thomasblommaert commented 8 years ago

You could download disunity 4 from the release page, disunity 5 is still in progress I think.

lostinspace247 commented 8 years ago

I tried doing that, but I cant unpack the asset. It just wont allow me to.

lostinspace247 commented 8 years ago

Also, does the disunity 0.5 support extraction or no?

max-reznichenko commented 8 years ago

no, you can only get .blocks as of today