ata4 / disunity

An experimental toolset for Unity asset and asset bundle files.
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Update TypeTree #175

Open superfashi opened 8 years ago

superfashi commented 8 years ago

I encountered a super new unity asset file, since the v5 dose not really extract the files, I tried the v4 pre-release ver., and it told me nothing but TypeTreeDatabase is too old, the log is down below:

[warning] TypeTreeDatabase: Unprecise match for class Class 28 (Texture2D) (required: 5.3.0f4, available: 5.0.0f4)
[warning] TypeTreeDatabase: Unprecise match for class Class 213 (Sprite) (required: 5.3.0f4, available: 5.0.0f4)

I was thinking that is it possible to just update the TypeTreeDatabase and extract those files successfully.

RupW commented 8 years ago

I don't think the v4 really extracts files either yet.

However you can update the database yourself if you can find unity files with type information embedded for those classes for that version. e.g. Install Unity 5.3 yourself if you don't already have it, create a project with some 2d textures and sprites and run 'disunity learn' on all of the files under project\Library\metadata* (not the .info files). This will create a types.dat in the same folder as the disunity.jar you're running with the base typetree database plus any extra it can find in those files.

As I say I don't think that's enough to actually extract more assets, but it might be worth a go?