ata4 / disunity

An experimental toolset for Unity asset and asset bundle files.
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Extract Issues #206

Open sibu12345 opened 7 years ago

sibu12345 commented 7 years ago

Currently using Disunity 0.3.4 no experience in programming. I'm trying to Rip game files which I followed instructions from this site:

Apparently I'd have to bundle extract then extract. My bundle extracting phase seems to run but looks odd compared to others:

C:\Disunity>disunity bundle-extract files*/ [info] DisUnity v0.3.4 [info] files [info] files\100001_cs [info] files\10101_co [info] files\10101_cs [info] files\10102_co [info] files\10102_cs [info] files\10103_co [info] files\10103_cs [info] files\10104_co [info] files\10104_cs [info] files\10105_co [info] files\10105_cs\

(To show the few of them)

and when I try to extract:

C:\Disunity>disunity extract files*/ [info] DisUnity v0.3.4 [info] files [info] files\100001_cs [error] DisUnityCli: Fatal error, caused by java.lang.IllegalArgumentException at java.nio.Buffer.limit(Unknown Source) at at info.ata4.unity.asset.AssetFile.load( at info.ata4.unity.asset.AssetFile.load( at at info.ata4.unity.cli.cmd.AssetCommand.processAssetFile( at info.ata4.unity.cli.cmd.AssetCommand.processFile( at info.ata4.unity.cli.cmd.FileCommand.processPath( at info.ata4.unity.cli.cmd.FileCommand.processDirectory( at info.ata4.unity.cli.cmd.FileCommand.processPath( at at at info.ata4.unity.cli.DisUnityCli.main(

When I try doing it on 0.5.0 I'd get this on every file: C:\Users\Arno\Desktop\disunity>disunity bundle unpack files/*

[warning] BundleUnpack: Can't unpack asset bundle files\snd_30104_battle1, caused by info.ata4.junity.bundle.BundleException: Invalid signature at at info.ata4.disunity.cli.command.bundle.BundleUnpack.runFile( at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(Unknown Source) at at at at at info.ata4.disunity.cli.DisUnityCli.main(

Any Idea why? Java version 8 Update 101 (build 1.8.0_101-b13)

zklm commented 7 years ago

I'm assuming you're trying this on SS assets post-1.27 patch (29 Sep 2016), if so, Unity version for SS was updated and it's now using UnityFS assets, not UnityWeb.

ata4 commented 7 years ago

Yeah, Disunity currently doesn't properly support UnityFS, but I'm working on a Python port that will support UnityFS, UnityRaw and UnityWeb.

jorgerobles commented 7 years ago

There's already some Python Code that you could check. Maybe you could help each other:

El 12/10/2016 17:14, "ata4" escribió:

Yeah, Disunity currently doesn't properly support UnityFS, but I'm working on a Python port that will support UnityFS, UnityRaw and UnityWeb.

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ata4 commented 7 years ago

I've actually checked UnityPack already and used some parts to improve my code a bit. I prefer my approaches for the most parts, though.

Mactastic1-5 commented 7 years ago

Please close this issue!