ata4 / disunity

An experimental toolset for Unity asset and asset bundle files.
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Help with decoding non-browser based unity game. #41

Open shadyninjacat opened 10 years ago

shadyninjacat commented 10 years ago

I apologize in advance for having overlooked any obvious directions or steps.

I am trying to extract the resources from an iOS game called "star warfare", which is based on the Unity engine. Now if you visit the wiki, you can see we have managed to pull all of the textures except ones for players, enemies, and weapons. I am able to use disunity on a Mac or PC and I have the GUI. If someone could break down the process of obtaining the missing info from the sharedassets files, I would be very grateful.

Please respond quick, and thank you in advance.

ata4 commented 10 years ago

Hm... so you don't know where the remaining textures are? Or is Disunity unable to extract them? I'm not quite sure how I can help right now.

shadyninjacat commented 10 years ago

Here's a link to the textures we were able to pull:

Those textures were pulled using the Unity Assets Explorer, and were opened in Photoshop. However, as I had stated, we are missing player textures, enemies, and weapons. When I saw DisUnity on a forum, I believed I could use it to get these resources.

We know all of the textures are in "sharedassets" files, which are numbered 0-18, and we were only able to extract some of the resources. We are trying to extract files with the extensions on this link: However, the only thing that really matters to us is getting the remaining textures so we could create small animations and such.

Now here's the problem: I have DisUnity and I have the GUI for it. Now what would I do to get these files extracted? I don't mind re-extracting files we already have pulled, I just need to understand the process in which I would do this.

Please notify me if I am not being specific enough. Thanks.

shadyninjacat commented 10 years ago

Perhaps you can point me to a tutorial or a text guide on how to preform these actions?

ata4 commented 10 years ago

Sorry, forgot about your comment. Well, the GUI is third-party, so I can only provide the example for the CLI:

disunity.bat -f texture2d extract "C:\PathToYourAssets\*.sharedassets"

This should extract all texture assets from all .sharedassets files in that directory. I don't think wildcards work in the GUI, but you should be able to enter "texture2d" as a filter.

shadyninjacat commented 10 years ago

Thanks, although I was unable to use the command, I was able to use the GUI to extract the resources into .bat files. You wouldn't happen to know the best way to get the textures themselves would you? Or a step by step guide on how to use the CLI example. (I'm not very good with code; still learning bit by bit).

ata4 commented 10 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean with extracting resources into .bat files, since .bat files are just scripts. Anyway, there should be plenty of tutorials for the Windows command line out there. Here's a YouTube video, for example. They should you teach the basics. And once you get used to it, you won't want to miss it anymore. ;)

shadyninjacat commented 10 years ago

Sorry, I was preoccupied and couldn't check this message. I meant .bin files. However I will see what I can do with my current knowledge of things. (Which is pitifully small).