atadenizoktay / godot-click-through-transparent-window

A demo project for the Godot Engine that features a transparent window with click-through capability.
MIT License
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Godot 4.0 realization of project #1

Closed stalker57241 closed 1 year ago

stalker57241 commented 1 year ago

What about realization for Godot 4.0 beta 1?

atadenizoktay commented 1 year ago

I haven't checked if the project works with Godot 4.0 beta versions yet. I definitely will update this project once Godot 4.0 comes out, but I am not sure about the beta versions. Have you tried to adapt it?

stalker57241 commented 1 year ago

I readed, that after beta release will be no fundamental changes in GDScript 2.0 and other things on this level. Beta 2 and next versions will only close bugs of beta 1, while They don't make it more stable. (Now Godot 4.0 beta 1 sometimes self-closes, but It's not serious problem for me). About adaptation - From OS clicking throw window and making it transparent goes to get_tree().root and DisplayServer. Tweens disappeared like node and became a Reference, like class Timer(get_tree().create_timer()...).

About code: I only make Canvas half-working:

# This is
extends Node2D

#   This is the main scene the app utilizes.

@export var avoid_duration: float # (float, 0, 1.2, 0.01)

var sprite_position_id: String = "TopLeft"

@onready var Fw: Sprite2D = $Flower
# @onready var Up: Tween = create_tween()

func _ready() -> void:

func initialize_window() -> void:
    # Initializes the app window.
    # Do not forget to allow "Per Pixel Transparency" from project settings 
    # under Project -> Project Settings -> Display -> Window -> Per Pixel
    # Transparency menu, otherwise transparent background will not work.
    var win: Window = get_tree().root
    var ss: Vector2 = win.get_size()
    win.set_size(ss - Vector2(1, 1))
    win.position = Vector2(0, 0)
    win.always_on_top = true
    # If window size covers the whole screen, you'll get a black background. In
    # order to prevent that, the window size is set to `ss - Vector2(1, 1)`.
    win.borderless = true
    ## win.set_window_per_pixel_transparency_enabled(true)
    # For better results, it is advised to enable the two settings above, from
    # the project settings instead of here.
    Fw.global_position = GlobalStash.overlay_positions[sprite_position_id]

func update_click_polygon() -> void:
    # Updates the area which is clickable, meaning that the inputs do not pass
    # through the window outside the specified area.

func _on_Flower_avoid_triggered() -> void:
    # Triggered checked `trigger_avoid` signal of the `Flower` scene. This controls
    # the next position the `Flower` is going to move to.
    var ids: Array = GlobalStash.overlay_positions.keys()
    var new_id: String = ids[(ids.find(sprite_position_id) + 1) % ids.size()]
    avoid_click(Fw, new_id)

func avoid_click(object: Object, id: String) -> void:
    # When the `Flower` is clicked, it moves to the next position it
    # is supposed to move.
    sprite_position_id = id

#   Up.remove_at(Fw, "global_position")
#   Up.interpolate_property(object, "global_position",
#       object.global_position, GlobalStash.overlay_positions[id],
#       avoid_duration, Tween.TRANS_SINE, Tween.EASE_OUT, 0)
#   Up.start_tween()

func _on_Updater_tween_started(object: Object, key: NodePath) -> void:
    # This is for debugging purposes.
    var msg: String = "Started -> {0}{1}".format({0:, 1: key})

func _on_Updater_tween_completed(object: Object, key: NodePath) -> void:
    # This is for debugging purposes.
    var msg: String = "Ended   -> {0}{1}".format({0:, 1: key})

func _on_Updater_tween_step(object: Object, _key: NodePath, _elapsed: float,
        _value: Object) -> void:
    # Updates the clickable area (polygon), which is the `Flower` area, checked each
    # step of interpolation.
    if object == Fw:
stalker57241 commented 1 year ago

So, now I found Godot 4.0 beta 2, where they add exporting of custom resources avaible. But changes only allows improve already created code and don't cracks already written code.

atadenizoktay commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the information! I will start working on this issue in a few days, and hopefully, release a new version that works fine with the most recent version of Godot in less than a week. I, unfortunately, can't focus on this issue right away since I am participating in Ludum Dare 51; but, if you ever need further assistance, don't hesitate to send a DM to Beez#1616 on Discord.

stalker57241 commented 1 year ago

Okay, I understand. I'm found this project after completing a game "Outcore: Desktop adventure", that uses desktop on... I think 120%. From that time I think if it avaible on Unity it's completable on Godot too, because It worked on windows and coded on C#, more than at Unity, I think. Unity - because one of games uses it with js. So, for me It's like challenge. So, I think, I'll look here again if I need help. Maybe write some code for this repository...

stalker57241 commented 1 year ago

I'm done it. Only algorithm of avoiding click I can't understand. I make drag'n'drop interaction in fork.