atalgarni / atalgarni_PhasCons

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droSim1 15Way conservation #1

Open atalgarni opened 6 years ago

atalgarni commented 6 years ago

This is a practical guidance for generating the most conserved elements of drosophila simulans

To_ generate a pairwise alignment of droSim1.chr2L with droYak2.chr2L I used the following command 👍 lastz /Users/abdulmalek/Documents/DroSim1.phastcons/Genome/droSim1/chr2L.fa /Users/abdulmalek/Documents/DroSim1.phastcons/Genome/droYak2/chr2L.fa M=0 K=2200 L=4000 H=2000 Y=3400 T=1 --scores=DroX.q --format=maf > Sim1.Yak22.maf or another version:

lastz /Users/abdulmalek/Documents/DroSim1.phastcons/Genome/droSim1/chr2L.fa /Users/abdulmalek/Documents/DroSim1.phastcons/Genome/droYak2/chr2L.fa --hspthresh=2200 --gappedthresh=4000 --inner=2000 --ydrop=3400 --seed=12of19 --scores=DroX.q --format=maf > Sim1.Yak2.maf

*_Add a prefix{species name} name to the chromosome no# , for dm3 they all can be: >dm3.chr_**

>for f in *.fa;do
> cat $f | sed -e "s/^>/>dm3./" > $;
> done
atalgarni commented 6 years ago


cd Documents/phastcons/ perl 10010000 10000 /Users/abdulmalek/Documents/phastcons/Genome/droSim1/droSim1.2bit /Users/abdulmalek/Documents/phastcons/Genome/droSim1/droSim1.chrom.sizes -xdir -rawDir ../psl 100 -lstDir tParts > droSim1.lst

export L1=wc -l < droSim1.lst

perl 10010000 10000 /Users/abdulmalek/Documents/phastcons/Genome/droYak2/droYak2.2bit /Users/abdulmalek/Documents/phastcons/Genome/droYak2/droYak2.chrom.sizes -xdir -rawDir ../psl 100 -lstDir qParts > droYak2.lst

export L2 = wc -l < droYak2.lst export L=echo $L1 $L2 | awk '{print $1*$2} echo "cluster batch jobList size: $L = $L1 * $L2"

if [ -d tParts ]; then echo 'constructing tParts/*.2bit files ls tParts/*.lst | sed -e ’s#tParts/##; s#.lst##;' | while read tPart do sed -e 's#.*.2bit:##;' tParts/$tPart.lst \ | twoBitToFa -seqList=stdin /Users/abdulmalek/Documents/phastcons/Genome/droSim1/droSim1.2bit stdout \ | faToTwoBit stdin tParts/$tPart.2bit done fi

if [ -d qParts ]; then echo 'constructing qParts/*.2bit files ls qParts/*.lst | sed -e 's#qParts/##; s#.lst##;' | while read qPart do sed -e 's#.*.2bit:##;' qParts/$qPart.lst \ | twoBitToFa -seqList=stdin /Users/abdulmalek/Documents/phastcons/Genome/droYak2/droYak2.2bit stdout \ | faToTwoBit stdin qParts/$qPart.2bit done fi

atalgarni commented 6 years ago!topic/genome/HQOMmNzdDPc

atalgarni commented 6 years ago

This is how I loop and run lastz on each partitioned 2bit file of target with 2bit files of query

for i in tParts/*.2bit; do for j in qParts/*.2bit; do lastz "$i"[multiple] $j M=0 K=2200 L=4000 H=2000 Y=3400 T=1 --scores=DroX.q --format=maf > MAF/basename $i .2bit-basename $j .2bit.maf; done; done do not forget to add {`} before basname

atalgarni commented 6 years ago
screen shot 2017-09-25 at 10 11 14 am

Do not forget the ` before basename

atalgarni commented 6 years ago

After partitioning the genome make sure to copy the original lst file of the genome to the tParts or the qParts. then run this if [ -d tParts ]; then echo 'constructing tParts/.2bit files ls tParts/.lst | sed -e ’s#tParts/##; s#.lst##;' | while read tPart do `sed -e 's#..2bit:##;' tParts/$tPart.lst | twoBitToFa -seqList=stdin /Users/abdulmalek/Documents/phastcons/Genome/droSim1/droSim1.2bit stdout | faToTwoBit stdin tParts/$tPart.2bit done fi` This will output the lst list as .2bit file.

atalgarni commented 6 years ago

Read this thread!msg/genome/BZjUyNgRKnM/ESMVNVvJDQAJ

atalgarni commented 6 years ago

After I finished chaining and netting the pairwise alignment of D. simulans against D.melanogaster I recheck the total number of chains in order to validate the steps undertaken until this stage. I found a discrepancy output !! after comparing it with genome browser data...

In the following thread I presented the problem to the genome browser USCS team :

Hi there,

I am trying to generate whole genome alignment for droSim1 genome with dm3. I know there is already a chaining file of droSim1.dm3 on UCSC data download, however, I used it as a control output for the pipeline that I adapted following the parameters used to generate the USCS droSim1.dm3.chain file. The problem I am having is that my chaining output file has less chain number than UCSC chaining file. I counted the chain word number like this: grep chain sim1.dm3.chain | wc -l the number counts for generated file 1234692


grep chain droSim1.dm3.all.chain | wc -l the number counts for UCSC chaining file 1334855

Note: I used chromFaMasked files from both genomes !! which are described as the assembly sequence in one file per chromosome.Repeats are masked by capital Ns; non-repeating sequence is shown in upper case.

For the parameters for the pairwise alignment and chaining : were followed as in

The difference is 100163 !!! I don't know why is this happening. Is it okay for me to carry on to the next step ?!!!

Best regards, Abdulmalek

USCS Responded:

Hi Abdulmalek,

Thank you for your question about chaining droSim1 and dm3. The reason for the drastic difference in the number of chains is because of the hard-masked sequence used as input. If you instead don't use hard-masked sequence, you should obtain similar numbers of chains.

You still may see small differences due to the blastz/lastz version differences between 2006 and today, and/or if you use a different chunk size. The chunk sizes noted in the README you found are different from the parameters used, the full parameters are found here:

Also note that the droSim1.dm3 chain was made using the chainSwap program on the dm3.droSim1 chain and was not computed directly. Because this chain was not computed directly you may notice other small differences in addition to the chunk sizes issue previously mentioned. The chainSwap program is available here:

Please let us know if you have any further questions!


Christopher Lee UCSC Genomics Institute

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atalgarni commented 6 years ago

To do list:

  1. Re-Download un-masked genome file for all the organisms.
  2. Re-Run the pair-wise alignment.