atanas-mavrov / yii2-sbadmin

SB Admin v2.0 for Yii2
GNU General Public License v2.0
0 stars 0 forks source link

Conflict while Installing with composer require #1

Closed gunturbudi closed 4 years ago

gunturbudi commented 4 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to install this to my yii2 project, but I got this problem.

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - The requested package simple-projects/yii2-sbadmin * is satisfiable by simple-projects/yii2-sbadmin[dev-master] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.

I try to delete some require and the minimum stability, but still can't figure it out. Here is my composer code

    "name": "yiisoft/yii2-app-basic",
    "description": "Yii 2 Basic Project Template",
    "keywords": ["yii2", "framework", "basic", "project template"],
    "homepage": "",
    "type": "project",
    "license": "BSD-3-Clause",
    "support": {
        "issues": "",
        "forum": "",
        "wiki": "",
        "irc": "irc://",
        "source": ""
    "minimum-stability": "stable",
    "require": {
        "php": ">=5.4.0",
        "yiisoft/yii2": "~2.0.14",
        "yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap": "~2.0.0",
        "yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer": "~2.0.0 || ~2.1.0",
        "yiidoc/yii2-redactor": "*",
        "johnitvn/yii2-ajaxcrud": "*",
        "codemix/yii2-excelexport": "^2.7",
        "simple-projects/yii2-sbadmin": "*"
    "require-dev": {
        "yiisoft/yii2-debug": "~2.1.0",
        "yiisoft/yii2-gii": "~2.1.0",
        "yiisoft/yii2-faker": "~2.0.0",

        "codeception/base": "~2.3.0",
        "codeception/verify": "~0.4.0",
        "codeception/specify": "~0.4.6",
        "symfony/browser-kit": ">=2.7 <=4.2.4"
    "config": {
        "process-timeout": 1800,
        "fxp-asset": {
            "enabled": false
    "scripts": {
        "post-install-cmd": [
        "post-create-project-cmd": [
    "extra": {
        "yii\\composer\\Installer::postCreateProject": {
            "setPermission": [
                    "runtime": "0777",
                    "web/assets": "0777",
                    "yii": "0755"
        "yii\\composer\\Installer::postInstall": {
            "generateCookieValidationKey": [
    "repositories": [
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""
gunturbudi commented 4 years ago

I just successfully installed the library by changing this

"simple-projects/yii2-sbadmin": "*"

into this

"simple-projects/yii2-sbadmin": "@dev"