atanasster / storybook-addon-deps

A storybook addon to add a dependencies tree exporer tab.
MIT License
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Can't document components written with styled-components #3

Closed alaboudi closed 4 years ago

alaboudi commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the library. It works well when components are written from scratch using the react library. It seems to fail when trying to document a component using a syntax that is typical with styled-component. Example:

 * Use this when you need an un-styled button
export const PlainButton = styled.button<{ disabled?: boolean }>`
  border: none;
  outline: none;
  cursor: pointer;
  padding: 0;
  display: block;
  background: none;
  color: inherit;
  ${({ disabled }) => disabled && 'pointer-events: none'};

When this component is used in a story, the comment above the component does not get registered as description text in the Doc tab. Also, the props tab is empty. Thanks again and hope you can fix this.

atanasster commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot for the report - do you have a repo i can use to fix this issue?

alaboudi commented 4 years ago

I'm currently working with a private repo. But I'll reproduce it for you in another repo ASAP

atanasster commented 4 years ago

It seems your problem is with storybook rather than my plugin - since the Prop table is not showing.

In orger to parse typescript property tables you need to somehow load a typescript loader. Storybook is using react-docgen-typescript-loader by default, and I also have published a typescript props loader:

Here is a setup I have with typescript components, dependencies addon and prop tables:

atanasster commented 4 years ago

Another thing came to mind - also export the component

import React, { FC } from 'react';

inteface PlainButtonProps {
  disabled?: boolean
const StyledButton  = styled.button<PlainButtonProps ...

export PlainButton: FC<PlainButtonProps> = props => <StyledButton {...props} />

you can also try directly

export  const PlainButton: FC<PlainButtonProps> = styled.button<PlainButtonProps ...
atanasster commented 4 years ago

closing for now, please open a new issue is still unresolved