atari-legend / legacy

Source code for the legacy AtariLegend site (Still used for the CPANEL)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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MAIN SITE - NEW GAME DETAIL (DEV) - Link color in comments #733

Open stgraveyard opened 5 years ago

stgraveyard commented 5 years ago

@nguillaumin This is a tougher one.

As you can see, the link color in the comments box is not ok anymore, which is obvious, but let me explain :


The links are stored in the comment using the main class, which is black. If you change that, the site will look horrible at other places. To solve this, I did something ... nasty?

<div id="latest_comment_edit{$line.comment_id}"><div class="standard_link_color">{$line.comment}</div></div>

Notice the second div. I call a class to solve the link color only in the comments box. Result :+1:


But how would you solve this in our new, clean CSS code?

nguillaumin commented 5 years ago

So the "right" thing to do would be to not have put a specific class on the links standard_tile_link_black in the first place. Then you use the containing context of the link to change the color:

.tile-comments a {
  color: blue;

.tile-news a {
  color: white

So my preferred fix would be to remove the class in InsertALCode() and then add CSS rules wherever the comments are used to fixup the link colors. It's a bit time consuming as we'll have to check all places that have comments, but that's cleaner in the end.

Does it make sense?

stgraveyard commented 5 years ago

It makes sense Nico, and this will finally solve a long running issue. But like you say, we will need to check the complete site. But so be it. I will get back on this soon...