ataudt / methimpute

Impute DNA methylation from WGBS data.
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Troobleshooting with importBismark() function #3

Open El-Castor opened 4 years ago

El-Castor commented 4 years ago


first of all, thank you for this work it is very usefull.

I want to analyse WGBS data with your package. I have create cx_report et all necessary files. But when I go further in the analysis I cannot have result at the end.

In fact after use importBismark() function I have no warning and the output is like this :

> head(
GRanges object with 6 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
           seqnames    ranges strand |  context   counts
              <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> | <factor> <matrix>
  [1] CMiso1.1chr10         1      + |      CG       0:0
  [2] CMiso1.1chr10         6      - |      CHH      0:0
  [3] CMiso1.1chr10         7      - |      CHH      0:0
  [4] CMiso1.1chr10        10      + |      CHH      0:0
  [5] CMiso1.1chr10        12      + |      CHH      0:0
  [6] CMiso1.1chr10        16      - |      CHH      0:0
  seqinfo: 13 sequences from an unspecified genome

below you have the second necessary files (chromosome size):

> Ref_Chr
              V1       V2
1  CMiso1.1chr00  3219671
2  CMiso1.1chr01 35819275
3  CMiso1.1chr02 24717502
4  CMiso1.1chr03 29901275
5  CMiso1.1chr04 36545425
6  CMiso1.1chr05 29172381
7  CMiso1.1chr06 36200319
8  CMiso1.1chr07 26767028
9  CMiso1.1chr08 33813569
10 CMiso1.1chr09 23958596
11 CMiso1.1chr10 24822432
12 CMiso1.1chr11 33524158
13 CMiso1.1chr12 26620111

At this part of the code I don't see issue, but then when I try to launch the inflateMethylome() function I have some warning ( I don't know if they cause trooble).

> methylome <- inflateMethylome(, cytosine.positions)
Inflating methylome ... 12.53s
Warning message:
In .Seqinfo.mergexy(x, y) :
  The 2 combined objects have no sequence levels in common. (Use
  suppressWarnings() to suppress this warning.)

I don't understand this warning because my seq level are the same, I mean I have the same chromosome pattern and the same number of chromosome as you can see below :

> head(unique(
[1] CMiso1.1chr10 CMiso1.1chr09 CMiso1.1chr00 CMiso1.1chr08 CMiso1.1chr04
[6] CMiso1.1chr06
13 Levels: CMiso1.1chr10 CMiso1.1chr09 CMiso1.1chr00 ... CMiso1.1chr02

> head(unique(Ref_Chr$V1))
[1] CMiso1.1chr00 CMiso1.1chr01 CMiso1.1chr02 CMiso1.1chr03 CMiso1.1chr04
[6] CMiso1.1chr05
13 Levels: CMiso1.1chr00 CMiso1.1chr01 CMiso1.1chr02 ... CMiso1.1chr12

So when I try to use inflateMethylome() function I have in output a Granges with the columns count at 0:0 that it is strange if I have understand your code. See below the Grange:

> head(methylome)
GRanges object with 6 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
                       seqnames    ranges strand |  context   counts
                          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> | <factor> <matrix>
  [1] CMiso1.1chr00 len=3219671         3      + |      CHH      0:0
  [2] CMiso1.1chr00 len=3219671         6      - |      CHH      0:0
  [3] CMiso1.1chr00 len=3219671        10      - |      CHH      0:0
  [4] CMiso1.1chr00 len=3219671        17      - |      CHH      0:0
  [5] CMiso1.1chr00 len=3219671        18      - |      CHH      0:0
  [6] CMiso1.1chr00 len=3219671        21      + |      CHG      0:0
  seqinfo: 13 sequences from an unspecified genome

This resulting in troobleshooting in the estimateTransDist after distance correlation computing:

> fit <- estimateTransDist(distcor)
Warning message:
In max(df$correlation, na.rm = TRUE) :
  aucun argument pour max ; -Inf est renvoyé
> head(fit)
    Inf     Inf     Inf     Inf     Inf     Inf

Finally when I whant to call the methylation I obtain in result a warning message ( as you can see below) with nan-detected:

> if (intermediate==TRUE){
+   model <- callMethylation(data = methylome, transDist = fit$transDist, include.intermediate=intermediate , update=intermediate_mode)
+   }else{
+   model <- callMethylation(data = methylome, transDist = fit$transDist, include.intermediate=intermediate)    
+ }
Adding distance ... 4.45s
Adding transition context ... 28.59s
Baum-Welch: Fitting HMM parameters
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)    Time in sec
         0                -inf                   -              0
         1            0.000000                 inf             37
HMM: Error in Baum-Welch: nan detected
Time spent in Baum-Welch: 67.56s
Compiling results ... 0s
Warning message:
In callMethylation(data = methylome, transDist = fit$transDist,  :
  Baum-Welch aborted: nan detected

Due to this multiple warning I cannot have results because the model has an empty counts columns empty:

> head(model)
GRanges object with 121817216 ranges and 4 metadata columns:
                                seqnames    ranges strand |  context   counts
                                   <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> | <factor> <matrix>
          [1]  CMiso1.1chr00 len=3219671         3      + |      CHH      0:0
          [2]  CMiso1.1chr00 len=3219671         6      - |      CHH      0:0
          [3]  CMiso1.1chr00 len=3219671        10      - |      CHH      0:0
          [4]  CMiso1.1chr00 len=3219671        17      - |      CHH      0:0
          [5]  CMiso1.1chr00 len=3219671        18      - |      CHH      0:0
          ...                        ...       ...    ... .      ...      ...
  [121817212] CMiso1.1chr12 len=26620111  26620101      - |      CHH      0:0
  [121817213] CMiso1.1chr12 len=26620111  26620105      + |      CG       0:0
  [121817214] CMiso1.1chr12 len=26620111  26620106      - |      CG       0:0
  [121817215] CMiso1.1chr12 len=26620111  26620107      - |      CHG      0:0
  [121817216] CMiso1.1chr12 len=26620111  26620108      - |      CHH      0:0
               distance transitionContext
              <numeric>          <factor>
          [1]       Inf           NA     
          [2]         2           CHH-CHH
          [3]         3           CHH-CHH
          [4]         6           CHH-CHH
          [5]         0           CHH-CHH
          ...       ...               ...
  [121817212]         0           CHG-CHH
  [121817213]         3           CHH-CG 
  [121817214]         0           CG-CG  
  [121817215]         0           CG-CHG 
  [121817216]         0           CHG-CHH
  seqinfo: 13 sequences from an unspecified genome

function (x0, y0, x1 = x0, y1 = y0, col = par("fg"), lty = par("lty"), 
    lwd = par("lwd"), ...) 
    if (missing(x1) && missing(y1)) 
        stop("one of 'x1' and 'y1' must be given"), x0, y0, x1, y1, col = col, 
        lty = lty, lwd = lwd, ...)
<bytecode: 0x56110f6d3c28>
<environment: namespace:graphics>


Do you have any idea of what I'm doing wrong please ? Thanks in advance

El-Castor commented 4 years ago


Can you help me? I have test with the data test and it doesn't work...

ataudt commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for the extensive debug log. The seqlevels seem to be different between the objects "" and "cytosine.positions". Can you also supply printed output for the "cytosine.positions" object? How are you generating this? Best, Aaron

El-Castor commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm using MethylStar pipeline that used bismark to mapped the reads and produce ce cs_report.txt file too. I have check the length of the seqnames of the two R object and you right they are differents. but i dontunderstand why.

> length(
[1] 121817270
> length(cytosine.positions@seqnames)
[1] 121817216

I have no warning when I read the cs_report.txt file.

here you have a print of the cs_report.txt from bismark:

CMiso1.1chr03   1   +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   2   +   0   0   CHH CCA
CMiso1.1chr03   3   +   0   0   CHH CAA
CMiso1.1chr03   7   +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   8   +   0   0   CHH CCT
CMiso1.1chr03   9   +   0   0   CHH CTA
CMiso1.1chr03   14  +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   15  +   0   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr03   16  +   0   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr03   17  -   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr03   21  +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   22  +   0   0   CHH CCT
CMiso1.1chr03   23  +   0   0   CHH CTA
CMiso1.1chr03   28  +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   29  +   0   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr03   30  +   0   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr03   31  -   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr03   35  +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   36  +   0   0   CHH CCT
CMiso1.1chr03   37  +   0   0   CHH CTA
CMiso1.1chr03   42  +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   43  +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   44  +   0   0   CHH CCA
CMiso1.1chr03   45  +   0   0   CHH CAA
CMiso1.1chr03   49  +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   50  +   0   0   CHH CCT
CMiso1.1chr03   51  +   0   0   CHH CTA
CMiso1.1chr03   56  +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   57  +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   58  +   0   0   CHH CCA
CMiso1.1chr03   59  +   0   0   CHH CAA
CMiso1.1chr03   63  +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   64  +   0   0   CHH CCT
CMiso1.1chr03   65  +   0   0   CHH CTA
CMiso1.1chr03   70  +   0   0   CG  CGC
CMiso1.1chr03   71  -   0   0   CG  CGT
CMiso1.1chr03   72  +   0   0   CHH CTA
CMiso1.1chr03   77  +   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   78  +   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr03   79  +   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr03   80  -   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr03   83  +   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   84  +   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   85  +   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr03   86  +   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr03   87  -   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr03   90  +   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   91  +   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   92  +   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr03   93  +   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr03   94  -   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr03   97  +   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   98  +   0   1   CHH CCT
CMiso1.1chr03   99  +   1   0   CHH CTA
CMiso1.1chr03   104 +   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   105 +   0   1   CHH CCT
CMiso1.1chr03   106 +   1   0   CHH CTA
CMiso1.1chr03   111 +   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   112 +   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr03   113 +   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr03   114 -   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr03   118 +   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   119 +   0   1   CHH CCT
CMiso1.1chr03   120 +   1   0   CHH CTA
CMiso1.1chr03   125 +   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   126 +   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr03   127 +   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr03   128 -   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr03   132 +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   133 +   0   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr03   134 +   0   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr03   135 -   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr03   138 +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   139 +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   140 +   0   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr03   141 +   0   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr03   142 -   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr03   145 +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   146 +   0   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr03   147 +   0   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr03   148 -   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr03   151 +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   152 +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   153 +   0   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr03   154 +   0   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr03   155 -   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr03   158 +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   159 +   0   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr03   160 +   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr03   161 -   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr03   162 -   0   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr03   164 +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   165 +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   166 +   0   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr03   167 +   0   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr03   168 -   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr03   171 +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   172 +   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr03   173 +   0   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr03   174 +   0   0   CG  CGA

$ tail -100 Mock_FDLM202341331-1a.CX_report.txt
CMiso1.1chr12   26619936    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619937    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26619938    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619939    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26619943    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619944    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26619945    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619946    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26619950    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619951    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26619952    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619953    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26619957    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619958    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26619959    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619960    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26619964    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619965    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26619966    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619967    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26619971    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619972    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26619973    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619974    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26619978    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619979    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26619980    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619981    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26619985    +   1   1   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619986    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26619987    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619988    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26619992    +   1   1   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619993    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26619994    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26619995    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26619999    +   1   1   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620000    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26620001    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620002    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26620006    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620007    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26620008    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620009    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26620013    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620014    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26620015    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620016    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26620020    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620021    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26620022    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620023    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26620027    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620028    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26620029    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620030    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26620034    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620035    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26620036    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620037    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26620041    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620042    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26620043    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620044    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26620048    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620049    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26620050    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620051    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26620055    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620056    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26620057    -   1   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620058    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26620062    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620063    -   1   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26620064    -   0   1   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620065    -   0   1   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26620069    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620070    -   0   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26620071    -   0   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620072    -   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26620077    +   2   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620078    -   0   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26620079    -   0   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620080    -   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26620084    +   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620085    -   0   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26620086    -   0   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620087    -   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26620091    +   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620092    -   0   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26620093    -   0   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620094    -   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26620098    +   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620099    -   0   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26620100    -   0   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620101    -   0   0   CHH CCC
CMiso1.1chr12   26620105    +   0   0   CG  CGG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620106    -   0   0   CG  CGA
CMiso1.1chr12   26620107    -   0   0   CHG CCG
CMiso1.1chr12   26620108    -   0   0   CHH CCC

tell me if you want more information,

Thanks in advance

ataudt commented 4 years ago

Can you print the and cytosine.positions@seqinfo? You need to find out where the difference comes from. Both objects should contain the same chromosomes with the same lengths. Cheers, Aaron

El-Castor commented 4 years ago

Hi @ataudt,

thanks to have a look on my data, below you have the print of the seqInfo. :

Seqinfo object with 13 sequences from an unspecified genome:
  seqnames      seqlengths isCircular genome
  CMiso1.1chr03   29901275       <NA>   <NA>
  CMiso1.1chr10   24822432       <NA>   <NA>
  CMiso1.1chr05   29172381       <NA>   <NA>
  CMiso1.1chr06   36200319       <NA>   <NA>
  CMiso1.1chr04   36545425       <NA>   <NA>
  ...                  ...        ...    ...
  CMiso1.1chr09   23958596       <NA>   <NA>
  CMiso1.1chr02   24717502       <NA>   <NA>
  CMiso1.1chr11   33524158       <NA>   <NA>
  CMiso1.1chr00    3219671       <NA>   <NA>
  CMiso1.1chr12   26620111       <NA>   <NA>


> cytosine.positions@seqinfo
Seqinfo object with 13 sequences from an unspecified genome:
  seqnames                   seqlengths isCircular genome
  CMiso1.1chr00 len=3219671     3219671       <NA>   <NA>
  CMiso1.1chr01 len=35819275   35819275       <NA>   <NA>
  CMiso1.1chr02 len=24717502   24717502       <NA>   <NA>
  CMiso1.1chr03 len=29901275   29901275       <NA>   <NA>
  CMiso1.1chr04 len=36545425   36545425       <NA>   <NA>
  ...                               ...        ...    ...
  CMiso1.1chr08 len=33813569   33813569       <NA>   <NA>
  CMiso1.1chr09 len=23958596   23958596       <NA>   <NA>
  CMiso1.1chr10 len=24822432   24822432       <NA>   <NA>
  CMiso1.1chr11 len=33524158   33524158       <NA>   <NA>
  CMiso1.1chr12 len=26620111   26620111       <NA>   <NA>

If I compare the length of the to seqInfo vector of two R object :

> length(
[1] 13
[1] 13

Then I have check the chrom length one by when of the two obejct and I don't find any differences, as you can see below:

note that the only differences is the sorting of the seqnames comparing the two R GRanges objects.

              seqlengths isCircular genome
CMiso1.1chr03   29901275         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr10   24822432         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr05   29172381         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr06   36200319         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr04   36545425         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr01   35819275         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr07   26767028         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr08   33813569         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr09   23958596         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr02   24717502         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr11   33524158         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr00    3219671         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr12   26620111         NA   <NA>
> t2
                           seqlengths isCircular genome
CMiso1.1chr00 len=3219671     3219671         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr01 len=35819275   35819275         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr02 len=24717502   24717502         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr03 len=29901275   29901275         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr04 len=36545425   36545425         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr05 len=29172381   29172381         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr06 len=36200319   36200319         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr07 len=26767028   26767028         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr08 len=33813569   33813569         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr09 len=23958596   23958596         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr10 len=24822432   24822432         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr11 len=33524158   33524158         NA   <NA>
CMiso1.1chr12 len=26620111   26620111         NA   <NA>

Do you have any suggestions ?


El-Castor commented 4 years ago

Hi, Do you have any suggestion please?

I have change the seqnames of cytosine.positions and I still can do the analysis :

> cytosine.positions
GRanges object with 121817216 ranges and 1 metadata column:
                    seqnames    ranges strand |  context
                       <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> | <factor>
          [1] CMiso1.1chr00          3      + |      CHH
          [2] CMiso1.1chr00          6      - |      CHH
          [3] CMiso1.1chr00         10      - |      CHH
          [4] CMiso1.1chr00         17      - |      CHH
          [5] CMiso1.1chr00         18      - |      CHH
          ...            ...       ...    ... .      ...
  [121817212] CMiso1.1chr12   26620101      - |      CHH
  [121817213] CMiso1.1chr12   26620105      + |      CG 
  [121817214] CMiso1.1chr12   26620106      - |      CG 
  [121817215] CMiso1.1chr12   26620107      - |      CHG
  [121817216] CMiso1.1chr12   26620108      - |      CHH
  seqinfo: 13 sequences from an unspecified genome
> head(methylome)
GRanges object with 6 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
            seqnames    ranges strand |  context   counts
               <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> | <factor> <matrix>
  [1] CMiso1.1chr00          3      + |      CHH      0:0
  [2] CMiso1.1chr00          6      - |      CHH      0:0
  [3] CMiso1.1chr00         10      - |      CHH      0:0
  [4] CMiso1.1chr00         17      - |      CHH      0:0
  [5] CMiso1.1chr00         18      - |      CHH      0:0
  [6] CMiso1.1chr00         21      + |      CHG      0:0
  seqinfo: 13 sequences from an unspecified genome

the error building the model:

> if (intermediate==TRUE){
+   model <- callMethylation(data = methylome, transDist = fit$transDist, include.intermediate=intermediate , update=intermediate_mode)
+   }else{
+   model <- callMethylation(data = methylome, transDist = fit$transDist, include.intermediate=intermediate)    
+ }
Adding distance ... 5.09s
Adding transition context ... 37.76s
Baum-Welch: Fitting HMM parameters
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)    Time in sec
         0                -inf                   -              0
         1            0.000000                 inf             43
HMM: Error in Baum-Welch: nan detected
Time spent in Baum-Welch: 77.49s
Compiling results ... 0s
Warning message:
In callMethylation(data = methylome, transDist = fit$transDist,  :
  Baum-Welch aborted: nan detected
ataudt commented 4 years ago

Could you send me the "methylome" and "fit" objects as RData file? I will need to reproduce the bug in order to know where it originates.